Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Campament a Mart by Els estelars

Vedruna RIpoll  Ripoll-Girona    Spain 10 years old   6 / 3 Catalan Mars

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Amb el nostre projecte (un campament espacial a mart) hem intentat transmetre un lloc segur per viure, treballar i aconseguir l’efecte de sentir-te com a la terra. Hem començat preparant unes plaques solars, on obtindrem tota l’electricitat necessària per poder comunicar-nos amb la terra, també per poder cuinar, per la pantalla que tenim per explicar… Nosaltres hem decidit que la millor manera de tenir aliments és construint un hivernacle que funcionarà amb llum solar. Hem creat un dipòsit d’aigua, amb unes mànegues connectades a l’hivernacle amb un sistema de reg automàtic. A continuació tenim una base espacial on tenim coses tecnològiques com: Un braç robòtic, la nostra nau que hem fet servir per arribar a Mart i l’haurem d’anar preparant per tenir-la a punt per al retorn a la terra i per desplaçar-nos, un tot terreny especialitzat per anar a l’espai. 

Una cosa molt important per sobreviure, és fer esport i agilitzar-se, per això també hem creat un gimnàs amb peses i cintes de córrer. També hem afegit una àrea de descans on si poden trobar llits per tal d’aconseguir dormir i descansar, un sofà… i al seu costat té uns ordinadors per treballar i un armari pels vestits. Després hem creat una gran pantalla de NASA on estudiem i expliquem coses que hem descobert. Una cuina per fer els nostres aliments, tenim unes muntanyes al darrere per poder investigar i explorar i finalment, explicar-ho a la terra.

English translation

With our project (a space camp on Mars) we tried to convey a safe place to live, work and achieve the effect of feeling like you are on earth. We have started by preparing some solar panels, where we will obtain all the electricity necessary to be able to communicate with the earth, also to be able to cook, for the screen we have to explain… We have decided that the best way to have food is by building a greenhouse that will run on sunlight. We have created a water tank, with hoses connected to the greenhouse with an automatic irrigation system. Next we have a space base where we have technological things like: A robotic arm, our ship that we used to reach Mars and we will have to prepare it to have it ready for the return to earth and to move -nos, a specialized all-terrain vehicle for going into space.

A very important thing to survive is to do sport and get agile, which is why we have also created a gym with weights and treadmills. We have also added a rest area where they can find beds to sleep and rest, a sofa… and next to it there are computers for work and a wardrobe for clothes. Then we created a big NASA display where we study and explain things we discovered. A kitchen to make our food, we have some mountains behind to be able to research and explore and finally, explain it to the earth.

#3D Design

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