Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.


Fundació Llor  Sant Boi de Llobregat-Barcelona    Spain 16 years old   5 / 0 Spanish Moon

Project description

Som un grup de 4t de la eso de l’escola esportiva llor i venim a presentar el nostre projecte de moon camp. esperem que us agradi!

En el nostre esquema 2d que vam fer de la nostra base lunar es bastant completa, està formada per una gran sala d’habitatge, un gimnÀs per reforçar la musculatura, un hort per cultivar aliments i un laboratori per experimentar amb les roques lunars etc…

A la part exterior tenim una zona d’extracció, un garatge de mÀquines, una zona d’aterratge i unes plaques solars.

English translation

We are a group of 4th graders from the llor sports school and we are here to present our moon camp project. We hope you like it!

In our 2d scheme we made of our lunar base it is quite complete, it consists of a large living room, a gym to strengthen the muscles, a garden to grow food and a laboratory to experiment with lunar rocks etc. ..

On the outside we have an extraction area, a machinery garage, a landing area and solar panels.

#Arts & Crafts #3D Design #Augmented and Virtual Reality #Scientific Experiments

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