Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Kraków ISK Orbit Station around Jupiter by Krakow ISK Orbit Station around Jupiter

International School of Krakow  Lusina_Krakow region-Lesser Poland    Poland 9 years old, 10 years old   6 / 2 Polish Jupiter’s moons

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Orbitalna stacja kolonistów wokół Jowisza składa się  z pierścienia zapewniającego sztuczną grawitację dla mieszkańców oraz czterech doków dla rakiet transportowych. Główny moduł dowodzenia zapewnia łączność z innymi koloniami w pobliżu oraz z Ziemią. Woda dowożona jest z księżyców Jowisza, gdzie prowadzone są badania oceanu pod lodem, jako kontynuacja misji sondy JUICE z polskimi instrumentami na pokładzie.


The orbital colonist station around Jupiter consists of a ring that provides artificial gravity for its inhabitants and four docks for transport rockets. The Main Command Module provides communication with other colonies in the vicinity and with Earth. Water is transported from Jupiter’s moons, where research on the ocean under the ice is carried out, as a continuation of the JUICE probe mission with Polish instruments on board.

Project link

English translation

The colonists’ orbital station around Jupiter consists of a ring providing artificial gravity for the inhabitants and four docks for transport rockets. The main command module provides communications with other nearby colonies and with Earth. Water is brought from Jupiter’s moons, where research is being carried out on the ocean under the ice, as a continuation of the JUICE probe mission with Polish instruments on board.


The orbital colonist station around Jupiter consists of a ring that provides artificial gravity for its inhabitants and four docks for transport rockets. The Main Command Module provides communication with other colonies in the vicinity and with Earth. Water is transported from Jupiter’s moons, where research on the ocean under the ice is carried out, as a continuation of the JUICE probe mission with Polish instruments on board.

Project video

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