Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

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Cracow International School – Titan’s Mission by Cracow International School – Titan’s Mission

Cracow International School  Kraków-Lesser Poland    Poland 8 years old   6 / 3 Polish Saturn’s moons

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Misja na Tytana ukazuje wyjątkowy księżyc Saturna, gdzie płyną rzeki z ciekłego metanu.  Baza zaprojektowana przez Cracow International School mieści się pod kopułami na ośnieżonych szczytach, gdyż temperatury na Tytanie spadają poniżej minus 170 stopni Celcjusza. Most ponad metanową rzeką wzbogacony jest o tunel łączący obie kopuły. Unikalna atmosfera księżyca Saturna otrzymuje małą ilość światła słonecznego, wiec ściany bazy są przezroczyste.

A mission to Titan reveals Saturn’s unique moon, where rivers of liquid methane flow.  The base, designed by Cracow International School, is housed under domes on snow-capped peaks, as temperatures on Titan drop below minus 170 degrees Celsius. The bridge over the methane river is enriched with a tunnel connecting the two domes. The unique atmosphere of Saturn’s moon receives a small amount of sunlight, so the walls of the base are transparent.

Project link

English translation

The mission to Titan reveals a unique moon of Saturn where rivers of liquid methane flow. The base, designed by Cracow International School, is located under domes on snow-covered peaks because temperatures on Titan drop below minus 170 degrees Celsius. The bridge over the methane river is enriched with a tunnel connecting both domes. Saturn’s moon’s unique atmosphere receives little sunlight, so the walls of the base are transparent.

A mission to Titan reveals Saturn’s unique moon, where rivers of liquid methane flow. The base, designed by Cracow International School, is housed under domes on snow-capped peaks, as temperatures on Titan drop below minus 170 degrees Celsius. The bridge over the methane river is enriched with a tunnel connecting the two domes. The unique atmosphere of Saturn’s moon receives a small amount of sunlight, so the walls of the base are transparent.

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