Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Life on Ceres by KIP

West Island College  Calgary-Alberta    Canada 14 years old   3 / 3 English Other location

Project description

Life on Ceres is certainly a change. The drastic temperature change is among the most noticeable differences from earth. However, with the system built on Ceres you can hardly tell. Our system uses radiators powered by the energy generated on Ceres to keep us settlers warm. My role as a farmer is one of the most fundamental jobs of our colony as it provides us with the necessities of life. This job allows me to adventure up ground to our greenhouse and farm. The elements on Ceres do not allow for farming outside so we use clear domes to allow the sunlight to come through without effecting the growth of our plants. The facilities above ground include a lab where the discoveries and newfound information get sent back to earth for further research, as well as our station for radiation control. On Ceres we use solar, hydro and uranium mining for our energy generation. Below ground in the water is where our population lives. Our housing includes bathrooms, beds, kitchens, and even a living room with a television. Our houses all connect to a centre of businesses and jobs. We include schooling for the children which is located in one of our wings and provides education. However, this education is different because it not only teaches using earth’s method (the core subjects) it also teaches about the planet we live on and how to keep our colonization safe and thriving. The med bay and gym are for our health purposes, they help us combat issues like microgravity. We have a park to make it feel more like home and to help our pioneers stay active and fit. We also have an area for our pets to run around and play. Right in the centre of our underwater society is where you will find our life support systems, this area is where we keep our radiation system and an abundance of high oxygen producing plants. Beside the life support is our business area, we have a grocery store which all the food provided from the farm and greenhouse gets directly transferred to there so there is a much easier much more accessible place to get food from.

#3D Design

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