Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

AstroCamp by AstroCamp

Lycée Immaculée Conception  Pau-Nouvelle Aquitaine    France 16 years old, 15 years old, 14 years old   5 / 0 English Moon

External Viewer for 3D Project

Project description

Our project consisted in the design of a lunar jbase. We decided to create different dome shapes,
separated by tunnels, so if there is any issue, the problematic dome would be isolated from the
others. We chose dome shapes so that it’s easy to build, and they support themselves without having
to dig foundations. Moreover, we addressed the issue of water, oxygen, energy and structure
management, as well as human-related issues, like the need for them to do sport or have
comfortable rest. We also wrote an entire report of our project. It can be found here :
At that place, the model of the base can also be found. The interiors are entirely designed to. One of
our key during the design process was standardization. In fact, all the domes have the same

Project link

#3D Design

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