Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Lili & Mona’s Rocket & Rover MJ3LCE by Lili & Mona

Collège Max Jacob  Quimper-Brittany    France 14 years old   2 / 2 English Moon

Project description

We have decided to build a rocket to go to the Moon. Its name is “The Rocket of Hope” because we hope that it will change the future. We want to do scientific and technological discoveries.

It will be built with steel (strong), aluminium (light and cheap), titanium (for the heat of take-off) and plastic (insulation) to stop the deadly radiations and because they are resistant to the cold, which is perfect to travel in space. Our rocket would also need ressources from the Moon (oxygen).

We decided to give this shape to the rocket to make it more aerodynamic. The colour blue is for Truth & Progress and the red is for Hopes and Dreams.

The 1st problem on the Moon is the radiations, so plastic is not ecological but it is perfect to counter their effect. The 2nd problem is the temperatures, during take off the heat can be dangerous to astronauts if the rocket is not strong enough; and during space flight and on the Moon it will be very cold. The meteorites are a big issue too so our materials need to be near-indestructible.

Our astronauts want to travel to the Moon on our rocket because they will feel safe !! But also because it is filled with equipment to do research on the Moon. They could tell the people on Earth about their lives on the Moon and share their discoveries. They would be able to find a new place to live on the Moon to solve Earth’s overpopulation and give back Hope to humans

#3D Design

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