Moon Camp Project Gallery 2023-2024 

Get inspired with these amazing habitats for human space exploration designed by worldwide teams of students.

Silk road by Silk road

National Space Science Team. Saraya Smart School  Damascus-Damascus    Syria 18 years old   4 / 1 English Mars

Project description

The agricultural module is designed to be self-sustainable and scalable, relying on a circu-
lar structure with specialized layers for insulation and radiation protection. The life support

system, inspired by NASA’s ECLSS, includes various subsystems for atmosphere regulation,
water recycling, waste management, and thermal control. An Airocide system is integrated
for air purification. Nine NASA Kilopower RTGs and a battery pack consisting of NanoGraf’s
Li-ion cells provide power to the unit. This setup ensures a continuous power supply even
in peak demand or RTG system failure. We have used graphene batteries to store the
energy. They are of high quality and long-term life. Oxygen generation is facilitated by
NASA’s advanced MOXIE devices, providing repeatability as we have provided sufficient
oxygen to the astronauts. Drone farming was chosen for its water efficiency,misting roots
with nutrient-rich solutions. Auto- mated systems control temperature, humidity, and
pressure. Specialized equipment processes and stores harvested food, with MREs as
emergency rations. Nutrient solutions are fed into the aeroponic system, with additional
nutrients brought as needed. Beneficial bacteria are introduced to reclaim Martian soil,
addressing issues with perchlorates and essential elements. A comprehensive dietary plan
considers weekly needs for protein, carbs, and micronutrients.

Project link

#3D Design #3D Printing

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