Galleria del progetto Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Lasciatevi ispirare da questi incredibili habitat per l'esplorazione umana dello spazio progettati da gruppi di studenti di tutto il mondo.

Moon Camp by Equipo Galletita 2

IES Las Salinas  Fuengirola-Málaga    Spagna 13 anni   4 / 0 Spagnolo Luna

Link esterno per Tinkercad 3D design

Descrizione del progetto

Gli astronauti sono in viaggio per poter indagare di più sulla luna e sui suoi minerali, sulle sue proprietà e per verificare se davvero non ci sono seres vivos escondidos.

La base se construye en el ecuador porque es la zona donde más luz llega y nosotros recibimos la energía con los paneles solares.

Necesitaremos tierra para las plantas y gasolina para tener de reserva, sacaremos el agua de la luna y la comida del huerto que contiene (Tomates,calabazas y zanahorias)

La base se protegerá por un rayo láser que será disparado desde una base de control que va destinada a ese propósito.

Además tenemos unas máquinas que producen oxígeno en todo momento, siempre hay energía almacenada cuando la tierra tapa la luna o cualquier cosa obstruye la fuente de energía (el sol) de los paneles solares.

Tendrías que estar preparado para ser ligero poder soportar el viaje de ida y vuelta y estar preparado emocionalmente

Link al progetto

Traduzione in inglese

The astronauts go to investigate more about the moon and its minerals, properties and see if there really are living beings hidden.

The base is built at the equator because it is the area where the most light reaches and we receive the energy with the solar panels.

We will need land for the plants and gasoline to have in reserve, we will take the water from the moon and the food from the garden it contains (Tomatoes, pumpkins and carrots)

The base will be protected by a laser beam that will be fired from a control base intended for that purpose.

We also have machines that produce oxygen at all times, there is always energy stored when the earth covers the moon or anything obstructs the energy source (the sun) of the solar panels.

You would have to be prepared to be light, able to endure the round trip and be emotionally prepared.

#Design 3D

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