Mėnulio stovyklos projekto galerija 2023-2024 m. 

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MoonCamp – Rocket by Pinewood4B – 4A

Pinewood Amerikos tarptautinė mokykla, Anatolijos koledžas  Tesalonikai-Tesalonikai    Graikija 9 metų amžiaus   2 / Anglų kalba Mėnulis

Projekto aprašymas

The team’s goal was to build the rocket to commute to an envisioned settlement on the Moon. They researched about the different construction elements of a vehicle for the transport of people and resources that would be used to safely commute what is needed from the Earth to the Moon. After, they designed 3D Tinkercad model that they refined after peer-reflection, which presents all the elements neccessary for its creation.

#3D dizainas

Kiti projektai