Mėnulio stovyklos projekto galerija 2023-2024 m. 

Pasisemkite įkvėpimo iš šių nuostabių žmogaus kosmoso tyrimams skirtų buveinių, kurias sukūrė viso pasaulio mokinių komandos.

Moon Base Camp by Moon Explorer

Bangladešo inovacijų forumas  Daka-Dhaka    Bangladešas 8 years old, 10 years old, 11 years old, 13 years old, 14 years old   6 / 4 Anglų kalba Mėnulis

Projekto aprašymas

Were you not intrigued by the idea of a smart city on the moon where people may reside? Yeah, it’s going to be awesome. A sophisticated Tinkercad model is now in development to ensure a realistic final product. There will be just 15 basic stations in our lunar smart city, but they will manage all the services for the 20 or 25 people who live in our lunar base (this is just for the beginning; as our base population grows, we will expand it accordingly). Am I right? It sounds fantastic. Yeah. First and foremost, there will be a solar power station, waste management station, water supplement station, garden station, residence station, air consumption station, rover gear station, communication station, healthcare station, research center, entertainment center, laboratories, education center, rocket launch center, and weather monitoring station. Building a full-fledged lunar metropolis requires each station. Creating a sustainable smart city on the moon is our top priority.

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