Mėnulio stovyklos projekto galerija 2023-2024 m. 

Pasisemkite įkvėpimo iš šių nuostabių žmogaus kosmoso tyrimams skirtų buveinių, kurias sukūrė viso pasaulio mokinių komandos.

Nice Moon Camp by Johnathan Jiang,Kody Song,Ivan Zhu

Pekino tarptautinė dvikalbė mokykla  Beijing-Changying    Kinija 9 metų amžiaus   3 / 0 Anglų kalba Mėnulis

Projekto aprašymas

As a satellite of the earth, the moon is located at the commanding heights of the earth’s gravitational field. It contains a large amount of titanium, helium-3 and other resources. It has the characteristics of low gravity and less disturbance, and is suitable for scientific research, earth and homeland defense, deep space exploration, etc.
The lunar base landing site may be in the Shackleton Crater area.
The establishment of a permanent lunar base requires a comprehensive analysis of factors such as rocket safety, transportation capacity, efficiency, and benefits, the utilization of in-situ lunar resources, and the long-term lunar living environment.

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