Mėnulio stovyklos projekto galerija 2023-2024 m. 

Pasisemkite įkvėpimo iš šių nuostabių žmogaus kosmoso tyrimams skirtų buveinių, kurias sukūrė viso pasaulio mokinių komandos.

Anti radiation station by Kennemer 4

Kennemerio licėjus  Overveen-Noord-Holland    Nyderlandai 12 metų   2 / 2 Anglų kalba Mėnulis

Išorinė nuoroda į "Tinkercad" 3D dizainą

Projekto aprašymas

We created an underground moon base. There are domes in the craters that block the strong UV radiation and close during the earthly night for the good rhythm of the plants. This is possible because we are at the North Pole of the moon where the sun always shines. In the moon base there is a large water storage and pipes to get the water everywhere. The material for sturdy walls in the rooms is completely recycled from the stone excavated to create the caves. This stone is pulverized and put in the 3D printer. Furthermore, it is self-sufficient due to the trees and plants. Two astronauts can live there.

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