Mėnulio stovyklos projekto galerija 2023-2024 m. 

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Mars Rover by Adam’s Mars rover

Europos mokykla Bergenas  Bergen-North Holland    Nyderlandai 12 metų   1 / 0 Anglų kalba Marsas

Išorinė nuoroda į "Tinkercad" 3D dizainą

Projekto aprašymas

I chose to make a rover because I find it amazing how advanced they are. A rover is a small, mobile robot that scientists send to moons and planets to land on their surfaces and explore. Rovers can take pictures and collect information about the planet by taking temperature readings, rock, and soil samples. They are also very fun to make and since I like cars, it was fun for me to make. 

#3D dizainas

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