Mėnulio stovyklos projekto galerija 2023-2024 m. 

Pasisemkite įkvėpimo iš šių nuostabių žmogaus kosmoso tyrimams skirtų buveinių, kurias sukūrė viso pasaulio mokinių komandos.


Frankfurto metropolijos mokykla  Frankfurt-Hessen    Vokietija 11 metų   3 / 3 Anglų kalba Mėnulis

Projekto aprašymas

Our project has a space rocket on the surface of the moon, which has a tunnel to enter it. There are two sections to the rocket, which have a door separating them. First, you would enter the first section with no oxygen. Next, the door will be closed behind you, so you open the next door. That section does have oxygen, and you go through another door into the spacecraft. This way you can leave and enter the spacecraft without losing the oxygen from the inside. The next part of our project is a drill which is attached to a robot. it is programmed to find the part of the surface of the moon with the thinnest part of the ground and uses heat to drill into the ground. This will help us to collect water from the moon, and transport it into the spacecraft. There is another machine to collect the water to transport it.

Projekto nuoroda


#3D dizainas

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