Mėnulio stovyklos projekto galerija 2023-2024 m. 

Pasisemkite įkvėpimo iš šių nuostabių žmogaus kosmoso tyrimams skirtų buveinių, kurias sukūrė viso pasaulio mokinių komandos.

Air & water supply by Mooooners

Le Rosey  Rolle-Vaud    Šveicarija 13 metų   2 / 2 Anglų kalba Mėnulis

Išorinė nuoroda į "Tinkercad" 3D dizainą

Projekto aprašymas

The prospect of obtaining a glass of water on the moon presents a formidable challenge due to its dry and airless conditions, akin to Earth’s driest deserts. Water and breathable air stand as indispensable requirements for human survival, underscoring the necessity to address these needs for sustained lunar exploration.

Innovative solutions are imperative, ranging from transporting water from Earth, recycling water using advanced systems akin to those on the International Space Station, to extracting water from local sources such as lunar ice. However, each approach presents its own set of challenges. While water recycling systems show promise, achieving 100% efficiency remains elusive due to potential losses through openings like airlocks. Similarly, extracting water from lunar ice demands pioneering mining techniques adapted to the extreme conditions of the moon’s surface.

Furthermore, ensuring a stable oxygen supply for astronauts involves electrolysis of water or utilizing plants and algae. While electrolysis efficiently produces oxygen, the limited availability of water on the moon necessitates regular deliveries from Earth. Alternatively, plants and algae can generate oxygen from carbon dioxide and may serve as potential food sources.

Despite these challenges, ongoing research and missions like NASA’s PRIME-1 and the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) offer promising avenues for advancing our understanding and capabilities in lunar resource utilization. Ultimately, the quest for a glass of water on the moon embodies the inherent complexities and opportunities of human exploration beyond Earth’s boundaries.

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