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Moon Camp Pioneers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Pioneers, each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using the software of their choice. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

The Rover

郑州轻工业附属中学  河南省郑州市-金水区    China 18   5 / 1 English
3D design software: Fusion 360

1.1 – Project Description

Our lunar base project includes establishing a mobile lunar base consisting of various functional areas. These areas include a medical area equipped with necessary facilities for treating injuries and illnesses, a driving area for transportation around the lunar surface, and a stable area for maintaining the base; Stability and balance of S, a residential area for living and personal space, a recreational area for leisure and entertainment activities, a waste management area for proper disposal of all waste, a control area for monitoring and managing all operations, an oxygen area for providing breathable air, and a soil research and development area for exploring potential lunar soil applications.

Our primary goal is to promote human exploration and research on the moon. Medical and life support areas are crucial for maintaining human life in harsh lunar environments, while planting and waste management areas can achieve self-sufficiency and environmental responsibility. The entertainment area provides an opportunity for relaxation and mental health, which is crucial for long-term space missions. In addition, soil utilization zones allow for scientific research and experimentation in unique lunar environments. Our lunar base project represents an important step towards achieving sustainable and long-term human existence on the moon.

1.2 – Why do you want to build a Moon Camp? Explain the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example scientific, commercial and/or touristic purposes).

The vehicle lunar base provides scientists with a safe and comfortable working and living environment, facilitating their scientific research and exploration of the moon. In this base, scientists can conduct various experiments and observations, collect data related to the moon, and gain an in-depth understanding of the characteristics and composition of the moon.

In this base, scientists can experiment with new technologies and equipment to ensure that they can work properly in the special environment of the moon. The verification of these new technologies and equipment can also provide important references and guidance for future lunar exploration and development.

In summary, the Vehicle Moon Base is an important scientific research base, providing scientists with a safe and comfortable working and living environment. It can also be used to test and validate new technologies, laying the foundation for future lunar exploration and development.

2.1 – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp? Explain your choice.

We aim to build a mobile lunar base in a mild and welllit areanear the South Pole of the Moon. Compared to other areas, this region has longer daylight hours, stable temperatures, and is more suitable for living and working. The flat terrain makes it easy to construct the base and reduces construction costs and difficulties. Additionally, the area has high potential for water resources, which can provide a water source for the base. Lastly, this region also has scientific exploration value. The flat lunar surface near the South Polemay contain richer geological and chemical information, providing more opportunities for lunar scientific exploration. Therefore, we have chosen to build a mobile lunar base in this region to achieve our goals and provide more scientific value.

2.2 – How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Consider how you can utilise the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth. Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices.

We will start by utilizing the Moon’s natural resources, particularly the regolith, which is the top layer of soil on the Moon. The regolith contains various materials such as oxygen, water, and metals, which we can mine and use for our construction and other needs. This approach will reduce the amount of materials that need to be brought from Earth, making project more cost-effective and sustainable.

For the Moon camp’s structure, we will use inflatable modules made of Kevlar or other strong materials. These modules are lightweight, compact, and can be easily transported by the rover. They can also withstand the Moon’s extreme temperatures and radiation, making them ideal for Moon habitation. Once onsite, the modules can be inflated to their full size, providing ample space for living quarters, laboratories, and other functional areas.

To reduce the need for additional materials from Earth, we will use 3D printing technology to manufacture parts and tools onsite. This technology will allow us to quickly repair and replace parts if needed, ensuring the Moon camp’s sustainability and longevity. Additionally, it will enable us to adapt to unexpected situations or requirements that may arise during the Moon mission.

Overall, these design choices will enable us to build a sustainable and longlasting Moon camp for future exploration and research. The Moon camp will utilize the camp’s resources, employ inflatable modules made of strong materials, have a stabilizing mechanism, include functional areas, and use 3D printing technology to reduce the need for additional materials.

2.3 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment?

Our Moon Camp is designed to protect and provide shelter to our astronauts against the harsh environment of the Moon. The Moon’s extreme temperatures, radiation, and lack of atmosphere pose significant challenges to human survival.

To address these challenges, we have chosen to use inflatable modules made of strong materials such as Kevlar. These modules can be easily transported by the rover and inflated onsite, providing a secure and insulated living space for our astronauts. The materials used in the modules are specifically chosen for their ability to withstand the Moon’s harsh environment, including extreme temperature changes and exposure to radiation.

In addition to the inflatable modules, we will also incorporate a stabilizing mechanism to ensure the Moon Camp remains stable and secure. The stabilizing mechanism will counteract the Moon’s gravity and prevent the Moon Camp from shifting or toppling over. This will provide additional protection to our astronauts and their living space.

Our Moon Camp will also include functional areas such as a medical area, living quarters, and a waste management area. These areas will be designed to provide additional protection to our astronauts, with features such as radiation shielding and air filtration systems.

Overall, our Moon Camp is designed to provide a secure and insulated living space for our astronauts, while also incorporating features to protect them from the Moon’s harsh environment. By utilizing strong materials, a stabilizing mechanism, and functional areas designed for protection, we are confident that our Moon Camp will provide a safe and comfortable environment for future exploration and research on the Moon.

3.1 – How will your Moon Camp provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power?

Food: There are two main sources of food for the lunar base of the vehicle model. One is to carry seeds and plant plants, such as vegetables, fruits, etc., in the planting area inside the lunar base to provide astronauts with their daily dietary needs; The second is to meet the energy needs of astronauts by carrying nutritious fast food, nutritious beverages, etc.

Power: We will install a large number of solar panels on the lunar base of the vehicle model, converting solar energy into electrical energy for various equipment and work on the lunar base of the vehicle model. In addition, we will also develop and use more efficient and energy-saving equipment and technologies to minimize energy waste as much as possible, in order to ensure the sustainable development of the vehicle model lunar base.

Air: Our lunar base will be equipped with an air pressure and atmosphere control system to maintain appropriate air pressure and oxygen concentration. We will extract water from the lunar soil and use electrolytic water to produce oxygen. We will also install air filters to remove dust and harmful particles from the base.

Water: There is a lot of water in the moon and lunar soil, and we will extract it and use ice water to produce water. We will also be equipped with a water vapor condenser, which uses solar panels to heat the surface of lunar dust, evaporate the water, and then convert the water vapor into liquid water through the condenser. At the same time, we will also heat the glass bead on the moon surface to obtain water resources.

3.2 – How will your Moon Camp deal with the waste produced by the astronauts on the Moon?

Our lunar camp will establish a waste disposal area, which includes waste processors, compressors, and collection and reuse machines. These devices will be used to dispose of waste generated by astronauts on the moon, such as food waste, tissue, and other household waste. Firstly, the waste will be placed in a compressor, compressed into smaller volumes, and then sent to the waste processor for further processing. The waste processor will use chemical reactions to convert organic waste into fertilizers and water, while also converting inorganic waste into reusable materials. Finally, the collection and reuse machine will reuse the processed materials, reduce the amount of materials we need to transport from Earth, and ensure the sustainability and environmental responsibility of the lunar camp.

3.3 – How will your Moon Camp maintain communications with Earth and other Moon bases?

In order to maintain communication with Earth and other lunar bases, our lunar camp will have a central control area equipped with advanced communication systems. We will combine radio communication, satellite links, and laser communication to ensure reliable and efficient communication with Earth and other bases.

We will also establish a communication relay and repeater network around the moon to ensure continuous coverage and minimize signal interruptions. These relay stations will be strategically placed in areas with clear views of the Earth and other bases.

In addition, we will have trained personnel on site to operate and maintain the communication system, and to solve any problems that may arise. Regular communication checks and backups will also be conducted to ensure uninterrupted communication with Earth and other lunar bases.

4.1 – What scientific topic(s) would be the focus of the research in your Moon Camp? Explain which experiments you plan to do on the Moon (for example in the topics of geology, low gravity environment, biology, technology, robotics, astronomy etc.).

At our lunar base, lunar soil research will be one of the main scientific themes. We will explore the composition, structure, and formation process of lunar soil, as well as its impact on the lunar environment and space. We plan to conduct a series of experiments, including:

Lunar soil sampling and analysis: We will use various tools and equipment to collect lunar soil samples and analyze their chemical composition, microstructure, and physical properties.

Rock analysis: We will use advanced technology to analyze rocks on the lunar surface to understand their composition, structure, and formation process.

Growth experiments in low gravity environments: We will conduct plant planting experiments in lunar bases to study the growth and adaptability of plants in low gravity environments.

Air and water recycling: We will study how to convert the exhaust and wastewater generated by astronauts into reusable resources to support the continuous operation of the lunar base.

Space astronomy research: We will utilize the superior conditions of the lunar base at night and the lunar environment to conduct astronomical research, such as observing and studying celestial bodies in the solar system, as well as exploring galaxies and nebulae in other Milky Way systems.

These experiments will help us gain a deeper understanding of the lunar environment and resources, laying the foundation for future lunar exploration and sustainable utilization.

5.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

To ensure the success of a Moon mission, it is important to have a comprehensive astronaut training program that prepares astronauts for the unique challenges of working and living on the Moon. The following are some key components that would be included in our astronaut training program:
Physical fitness training: Astronauts must be in excellent physical shape to withstand the rigors of space travel and to perform the necessary tasks on the Moon. Physical fitness training would include cardiovascular and strength training exercises, as well as specialized training to prepare astronauts for the Moon’s low-gravity environment.
Scientific and technical training: Astronauts must have a deep understanding of the scientific principles and technical skills necessary to conduct research and perform maintenance tasks on the Moon. This would include training in geology, astronomy, robotics, and other relevant fields.
EVA (extra-vehicular activity) training: Astronauts will need to perform EVAs to conduct experiments, perform repairs, and explore the Moon’s surface. EVA training would include spacewalk simulations and training in the use of EVA tools and equipment.
Emergency response training: Astronauts must be prepared to handle emergencies that may arise during a Moon mission, such as a medical emergency or a malfunctioning piece of equipment. Training would include emergency response simulations and training in medical procedures.
Psychological training: Astronauts will be living in a confined and isolated environment for an extended period of time, which can take a toll on their mental health. Psychological training would include techniques for managing stress and anxiety, as well as training in team-building and conflict resolution.
In summary, our astronaut training program would include physical fitness training, scientific and technical training, EVA training, emergency response training, and psychological training. By preparing astronauts in these areas, we can increase the likelihood of a successful and safe Moon mission.

5.2 – What space vehicles will your future Moon mission need? Describe the vehicles found in your Moon camp and consider how you will travel to and from Earth, and explore new destinations on the Moon’s surface.

In order to support future lunar missions, we need a series of spacecraft to achieve our goals. This includes heavy-duty launch vehicles that carry astronauts and equipment, lunar landers that can operate and transport manned spacecraft in lunar orbit, lunar rovers and other probes that operate on the lunar surface, and various equipment required to establish a base on the lunar surface.

On the surface of the moon, we will use lunar rovers as the main means of transportation. We will explore and mark new destinations and use lunar rovers to move between different areas. In order to travel back and forth to Earth, we will use a return capsule. After the mission is completed, the astronauts will return to the return capsule and return to Earth. In addition, we will use ground control to guide the entry and landing of the return module into the atmosphere.