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Moon Camp Pioneers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Pioneers, each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using the software of their choice. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

Las Mandarinas

IES La Minilla  Las Palmas de Gran Canaria-Canary Islands    Spain 15   3 / 3 English
3D design software: Fusion 360

1.1 – Project Description

In this project we are going to create a Moon Camp, using videos to know the Moon more, for example the temperatures or the best place to build the Moon Camp, and a program to create our own Moon Camp after thinking about the things that we want to have the place.

1.2 – Why do you want to build a Moon Camp? Explain the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example scientific, commercial and/or touristic purposes).

We want to build Lunar Camp for a scientific purpose, because in our opinion if humanity can investigate space on the Moon, we can find new things, which at the moment are unknown.

2.1 – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp? Explain your choice.

We are going to build our Moon Camp at the poles, since the temperatures are better to live in, we will also use the tunnels left by the lava long ago to be able to build an underground part, using the tunnels as a base which we expand to make it wider and uniform thus protecting us from meteorites, giving it a cube shape and an exterior one that will only have three domes.

2.2 – How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Consider how you can utilise the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth. Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices.

To start we will use a type of material called PEEK which is a semi-crystalline engineering thermoplastic. Parts made from PEEK thermoplastic polymer can also work at elevated temperatures up to 260°C (480°F). Its properties and characteristics are high heat resistance and thermal stability, excellent mechanical and resistance properties, excellent chemical resistance, wear resistance and superior sliding properties, very good dimensional stability and great resistance to radiation, for these reasons we chose it. . The structure of the base will be like this: three domes above the ground, one will be used as a garage to store robots and heavy materials that will not be used inside the base, but on the outside, another will serve to connect the upper part of the base with the underground part and finally we will use a dome to grow vegetables, vegetables and fruits for the consumption of the astronauts, plus the underground part that in total will be 8 rooms, with uses such as research, physical training, and room for the rest of the researchers and a recreational part, a room will also be used as a store for multiple things and the facility will have a kitchen, bathroom as well.

2.3 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment?

We are going to protect the lunar base from the harsh conditions of the moon using materials with which we build the base, materials that have good insulating and anti-radiation properties, in terms of temperatures most of the base will be underground, where temperatures are more bearable, on the other hand there will be a wall that is on the ground, in which they will have insulation and the doors will be hermetic, except for a greenhouse to be able to grow things for consumption, which will be made of a very resistant, but transparent material for that sunlight can pass through.

3.1 – How will your Moon Camp provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power?

After thinking about that, the Moon Camp is going to have a solar panel to have electricity, and if the sun doesn’t rise we want to have batteries. We get on the air with an air purifier when you go inside the domes. The problem with the food we solved was having a GreenHouse with vegetables, but with the meat Maybe they send it from Earth or directly bring animals like chickens.

3.2 – How will your Moon Camp deal with the waste produced by the astronauts on the Moon?

Our Moon Camp is going to send the waste to the earth, if the waste is not organic. Or for example if it is organic waste we can use this like compost to the plants, but we want to have the minor quantity of wastes on the Moon.

3.3 – How will your Moon Camp maintain communications with Earth and other Moon bases?

We can maintain communication with the Earth using a communications room with many computers and all these types of things such as headphones, speakers, moreover outside the Moon Camp up the one of the three domes we are going to have a communication antenna.

4.1 – What scientific topic(s) would be the focus of the research in your Moon Camp? Explain which experiments you plan to do on the Moon (for example in the topics of geology, low gravity environment, biology, technology, robotics, astronomy etc.).

In our lunar field and surroundings of the Moon, we plan to carry out multiple experiments that are not possible to carry out on Earth, since the adequate conditions to carry them out do not exist. Some of the experiments that we want to analyse are the study of high-energy particles from the solar wind on the lunar surface, since on Earth a large part of the particles are diverted due to the atmosphere, with which on the Moon it would be more accessible to study these.
   In addition, if we manage to extract parts of the interior of the Moon, which, being a celestial body of a small magnitude and not dynamic, its interior must have been almost completely preserved since the emergence of the solar system, this could give us a lot of information about how the layers of planets solidify and form during their formation.

5.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

 To prepare astronauts for a successful mission to the Moon, it is essential to design a comprehensive training program that incorporates both physical and mental exercises. The training program must focus on developing the necessary skills and knowledge that will enable astronauts to operate efficiently in a challenging space environment.
The program should begin with a rigorous selection process that assesses the candidate’s physical and mental health, cognitive abilities, and communication skills. Successful candidates must demonstrate aptitude for learning, team collaboration, and adaptability to new situations. Once selected, the astronauts should undergo a series of physical training exercises designed to improve their cardiovascular health, strength, and endurance.
Moreover, the program should include simulations of zero gravity environments, where astronauts should learn how to move, work, and communicate in a no-gravity condition. In addition, the program must teach astronauts how to use the equipment necessary for their mission, including spacecraft controls, communication systems, and life-support systems.
The mental training should include lessons on psychological resilience, stress management, and teamwork.

5.2 – What space vehicles will your future Moon mission need? Describe the vehicles found in your Moon camp and consider how you will travel to and from Earth, and explore new destinations on the Moon’s surface.

We are thinking about it, and the conclusion is the vehicles are going to be a rover but a little bit different. Maybe more similar to a Golf car, with two places for two astronauts, because we think that at the moment to investigate the Moon is better if two of them stay in the Moon Camp and the others go outside, these rovers maybe can be folded, if they are folding is easier to take in the spacecraft.

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