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Moon Camp Pioneers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Pioneers, each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using the software of their choice. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

Moon Camp Gema, María y Narda

Colegio San Antonio de Padua  Martos-Andalucía    Spain 15   3 / 3 English
3D design software: Tinkercad

External URL to the team’s project (e.g. website or PDF):

1.1 – Project Description

Presentamos nuestro innovador proyecto para la competición de Moon Camp, enfocado en desarrollar una base lunar autosuficiente y ecológica. Nuestros principales objetivos son explorar la superficie lunar, investigar la vida en condiciones extremas y sentar las bases para futuras misiones a Marte.

1.2 – Why do you want to build a Moon Camp? Explain the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example scientific, commercial and/or touristic purposes).

Hemos querido hacer nuestra Base Lunar con fines científicos, nos gustaría investigar el terreno lunar y la viabilidad para vivir en nuestro extraordinario satélite en condiciones óptimas.

2.1 – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp? Explain your choice.

A pesar que el terreno lunar es muy extenso, nosotras queremos construirlo  en las zonas cerca del ecuador lunar ya que reciben la luz solar más intensa y constante, lo que resulta importante para las fuentes de energía solar.

2.2 – How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Consider how you can utilise the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth. Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices.

We will 3D print the habitat modules using regolith (moon dust), solar wind volatiles like hydrogen and helium-3, and other resources available on the Moon. 3D printing with lunar materials allows us to construct large structures without the need to transport all building materials from Earth.

Any equipment or resources still needed from Earth will be minimized. They will includethings like life support systems, energy production systems (other than solar), fuels, and machinery. The goal is to make the Moon Camp as self-sufficient as possible.

In summary, we aim to build a highly sustainable Moon Camp by making maximum use of the resources and materials available on and around the Moon. 3D printing, renewable energy, advanced life support and recycling systems, and low-maintenance high-tech solutions will allow long term habitation of the lunar surface by humans.

2.3 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment?

Thick walls made of 3D printed regolith (moon dust) and solar wind volatiles like hydrogen and helium-3. These materials can be fused together into durable structures that are also effective insulators. The dense regolith in particular helps block radiation.

Early warning systems. Radiation detectors, micrometeoroid sensors, dust monitors and cameras will provide warnings of any threats to the base so astronauts can take shelter immediately if needed. Redundancy in systems enhances safety.

In summary, layering multiple protective measures including thick shielding, buried construction, pressurization, geometric designearly detection systems and a secured vault will allow the Moon Camp to defend astronauts against the hazards of the lunar environment for long duration stays. The base will be built to sustain human life on the Moon despite the challenges.

3.1 – How will your Moon Camp provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power?

Un sistema de reciclaje de agua que nos permite aprovechar el hielo del suelo lunar y el agua que generamos con nuestra actividad cotidiana (orina, sudor y lágrimas).
El reciclaje de agua es fundamental para la supervivencia en la Luna. Se podrían implementar tecnologías avanzadas de purificación y tratamiento, así como desarrollar sistemas de captación de agua a partir de la atmósfera lunar o la explotación de depósitos de hielo en áreas cercanas a la base.

Un invernadero donde cultivamos plantas e insectos que nos proporcionan alimento y oxígeno. El invernadero tiene un sistema de ecosistemas de cadenas tróficas completas, excepto por carroñeros, pero fabricamos nuestro propio abono.

3.2 – How will your Moon Camp deal with the waste produced by the astronauts on the Moon?

Recycling virtually all materials. Nearly everything can be recycled or repurposed, including plastics, metals, glass, organics, greywater, etc. Waste streams will be thoroughly separated to maximize recycling. Only non-recyclable waste will go to the landfill.

Composting organic waste. Food scraps and other compostable waste will be processed using composting toilets and worm bins to generate nutrient-rich compost for growing food. No waste should be released untreated.

3.3 – How will your Moon Camp maintain communications with Earth and other Moon bases?

Line-of-sight radio communications: Radio transceivers will be used for basic voice and data communications within a limited range on the lunar surface (around the horizon). Repeater stations will be placed at strategic locations to extend the range.

4.1 – What scientific topic(s) would be the focus of the research in your Moon Camp? Explain which experiments you plan to do on the Moon (for example in the topics of geology, low gravity environment, biology, technology, robotics, astronomy etc.).

The research in our lunar camp will focus on various scientific topics, such as geology, biology, technology, and astronomy. We will conduct experiments to study the lunar environment, including the effects of low gravity, radiation, and temperature on living organisms and technology. We will also study the water resources on the Moon and their potential for fuel production.

5.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

Our astronaut training program will include physical and mental preparation for the challenges of living and working in space, as well as training in scientific experiments, engineering, and maintenance.

5.2 – What space vehicles will your future Moon mission need? Describe the vehicles found in your Moon camp and consider how you will travel to and from Earth, and explore new destinations on the Moon’s surface.

Our mission to the Moon will require various vehicles, including a lunar module for landing and takeoff, a rover for exploration, and a rocket for transportation to and from the Moon. We will also consider future vehicles for exploration of other destinations on the Moon, such as a lunar rover with drilling capabilities.

The training program will also cover the specific skills and knowledge needed for the mission to the Moon, including scientific experiments, engineering, and maintenance.

Physical training will include cardiovascular and strength training to prepare astronauts for the physical demands of space travel and the low-gravity environment on the Moon. Astronauts will also undergo training in spacewalks and extravehicular activity to prepare for conducting experiments and maintenance tasks outside the lunar modules.

Mental training will focus on developing resilience, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. Astronauts will undergo psychological evaluations and training to prepare for the isolation, confinement, and stress of living in a confined space for an extended period.

Scientific training will cover the experiments and research that will be conducted on the Moon. Astronauts will learn how to use scientific equipment, collect samples, and conduct experiments in low-gravity conditions. They will also receive training in geology, biology, and other scientific fields related to the mission.

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