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Moon Camp Pioneers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Pioneers, each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using the software of their choice. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.

Santa Girls

Santa Maria College  Perth-Perth    Australia 15   3 / 3 English
3D design software: Fusion 360

External URL to the team’s project (e.g. website or PDF):

1.1 – Project Description

Our Moon camp is mainly built to run research and mine Helium-3. It is located inside a lava tube near the polar regions.

it has the following facilities:

  • Silicon to Oxygen production +Air purification module

  • Water purification station

  • Wastewater treatment module

  • Plasma Arc Gasification module
  • Green house farming dome

  • Communication module

  • Observatory

  • Residential ward: Sleeping capsules, dining hall, gym & recreation centre, medical centre, and …

  • Helium mining R&D ward

  • The nuclear plant is under construction!

1.2 – Why do you want to build a Moon Camp? Explain the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example scientific, commercial and/or touristic purposes).

Helium-3 is a rare isotope of helium on Earth that has potential as a fuel for nuclear fusion. The moon’s surface is thought to contain significant deposits of helium-3, which could be mined and used as fuel for future fusion reactors. Our moon camp is built for mining helium-3.

Apart from commercial interests, the following are other reasons:

Scientific Research: The moon offers a unique environment that could be used to study various phenomena, such as the effects of low gravity on human health, the composition of the lunar surface, and the potential for using lunar resources
International Cooperation: A way to promote international cooperation and collaboration on space exploration and scientific research.
Human Exploration:  An important step in the ongoing exploration of space and the eventual goal of establishing a human presence on other planets or celestial bodies.

2.1 – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp? Explain your choice.

Inside lava tubes near the polar regions: The interior of these tubes can be large enough to accommodate a moon base, and their stable temperature and protection from the harsh lunar environment make them an attractive location for a lunar habitat.

There may be significant deposits of water ice in the permanently shadowed regions at the north and south poles of the moon. Water could be extracted from these deposits and used for drinking, growing crops, and producing rocket fuel.

Additionally, a location that is close to a potential water source, such as a polar ice deposit, would be advantageous for silicon mining, as water can be used to produce oxygen through a process called electrolysis, which can be used for life support systems and rocket fuel.

Helium-3 may be more abundant in polar regions, as the same processes that create water ice may also have trapped helium-3.

2.2 – How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Consider how you can utilise the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth. Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices.

  1. 3D printing with lunar regolith: One of the most promising building techniques for a moon camp involves 3D printing using lunar regolith as the raw material. This technique could significantly reduce the amount of material that needs to be transported from Earth, and it also allows for customizable designs. 3D printing could be used to create a range of structures, including habitats, laboratories, storage facilities, and other infrastructure.
  2. Inflatable habitats: Inflatable habitats are another option for constructing a moon camp. These structures can be compact and lightweight for transport to the moon and can be inflated on-site to create a larger living or working space. These habitats can be reinforced with materials like Kevlar for added durability.
  3. Modular design: A modular design for the moon camp would allow for flexibility and adaptability as the needs of the occupants change over time. Each module could be designed for a specific function. The modular design also allows for easy repair or replacement of individual components in case of damage or failure.
  4. Power generation: Solar panels could be used to generate electricity, and nuclear power could also be an option for a more reliable and self-sufficient energy source. The power generation facilities could be located outside the living areas to minimize radiation exposure.
  5. Waste management: Water could be recycled and purified for multiple uses, and waste could be used as a resource for generating power or producing building materials.


2.3 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment?

  1. Radiation protection: Radiation exposure is a major concern on the moon, as the lack of atmosphere provides little protection against cosmic radiation and solar flares. The moon camp could be designed with thick walls and roofs made of materials that provide radiation shielding, such as water, concrete, or lunar regolith. The camp could also be located in a natural shelter, such as a lava tube, which would provide additional protection against radiation.
  2. Temperature regulation: The temperature on the moon can range from extremely hot to extremely cold. The moon camp could be designed with insulation materials to regulate the temperature and prevent heat loss. The use of geothermal energy, which is available on the moon, could also be considered to help regulate the temperature inside the camp.
  3. Air supply: Unlike on Earth, there is no natural atmosphere on the moon, so the moon camp would need to be designed to provide a breathable atmosphere for the astronauts. This could be achieved by creating a closed-loop life support system that recycles air and produces oxygen for the astronauts to breathe.
  4. Dust protection: The moon’s surface is covered in a layer of fine dust, which can be harmful if it enters the lungs or equipment. The moon camp could be designed with airlocks and filtration systems to prevent the entry of dust, and the astronauts could wear special suits and helmets to protect themselves when outside the camp.
  5. Structural integrity: The moon’s surface is subject to meteorite impacts and seismic activity, so the moon camp would need to be designed with strong and durable materials that can withstand these forces. The use of inflatable habitats, which can be reinforced with materials like Kevlar, or 3D printed structures using lunar regolith, could be considered as possible solutions.


3.1 – How will your Moon Camp provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power?

Water: Water is a crucial resource for sustaining life, and while it is scarce on the moon’s surface, it is believed to exist in the form of ice in the permanently shadowed regions near the poles. In our camp, we use solar-powered drilling machines to extract the ice, which would then be purified in water purification stations and used for drinking, growing plants, and other purposes.
Food: Astronauts will need a reliable source of food to sustain them during their mission. We grow food inside the moon camp using hydroponic systems, which use nutrient-rich water instead of soil to grow plants. We also genetically engineer plants to be able to grow in the moon’s harsh environment. The use of algae, which can be grown using the sun’s energy and converted into food, is also be practiced.
Air: To sustain life, astronauts will need a supply of breathable air. We have a closed-loop life support system that recycles air and produces oxygen for the astronauts to breathe. Our system includes plants, which can remove carbon dioxide and produce oxygen through photosynthesis, and technologies such as electrolysis, which can split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen.
Power: The moon receives a steady supply of solar energy, which can be harnessed to provide power to the moon camp. We use solar panels and other renewable energy technologies, such as wind or geothermal energy. Battery storage systems are used to store excess energy for use during times when the sun is not shining.

3.2 – How will your Moon Camp deal with the waste produced by the astronauts on the Moon?

Plasma Arc Gasification(PAG) module:

Waste reduction: Our PAG module significantly reduces the waste, as it breaks them down into their constituent molecules.
Energy generation: PAG module generates energy in the form of heat and electricity, which could be used to power the moon camp.
Resource recovery: The gas produced by PAG module is processed to recover valuable materials such as metals and gases.
Environmental benefits: PAG module prevents the release of harmful pollutants and reduces the risk of lunar contamination.

Wastewater treatment module:


Physical filtration
Chemical treatment: Chemical treatments such as coagulation, flocculation, and disinfection are used to remove impurities and pathogens from the wastewater.
Reverse osmosis: This technique involves forcing the wastewater through a semi-permeable membrane, which allows water molecules to pass through while trapping larger impurities.
Evaporation: purified water vapor could then be condensed and collected for use.


3.3 – How will your Moon Camp maintain communications with Earth and other Moon bases?

Satellite communication: This involves the use of communication satellites in orbit around the moon, which can relay signals between the moon camp and Earth. These satellites are positioned in a lunar orbit that allows for constant communication.
Laser communication: It involves the use of lasers to transmit data between the moon camp and Earth.
Relay stations: To maintain communication with other moon bases or rovers, relay stations are set up on the moon’s surface. These stations are positioned in strategic locations that allow for line-of-sight communication with other bases or rovers. They also extend the range of satellite or laser communication.
Robust communication systems: Our Moon camp is also be equipped with robust communication systems that can withstand the harsh lunar environment. This could include redundancy in communication equipment, backup power supplies, and shielding to protect against radiation and extreme temperatures.

4.1 – What scientific topic(s) would be the focus of the research in your Moon Camp? Explain which experiments you plan to do on the Moon (for example in the topics of geology, low gravity environment, biology, technology, robotics, astronomy etc.).

The following are the main focus of research and development team on our Moon camp:

Developing techniques of regolith excavation: Helium-3 is believed to be embedded in the moon’s regolith, which is a layer of loose soil and rocks that covers the moon’s surface.
Working on Solar wind collection: Another potential technique for mining helium-3 is to collect it from the moon’s surface using equipment that can capture solar wind particles. Solar wind is a stream of charged particles that flows from the sun and bombards the moon’s surface. The solar wind contains helium-3 and other rare isotopes, which could be captured and processed to extract the helium-3.
Working on isotope separation techniques: Once helium-3 has been extracted from the regolith or collected from the solar wind, it will need to be separated from other gases and isotopes. This could be achieved using techniques such as gas chromatography or laser isotope separation. These techniques involve separating gases based on their molecular weight or isotopic composition.
Developing means of storage and transportation: Helium-3 is a gas at standard temperature and pressure, so it will need to be stored and transported under special conditions. This could involve compressing the gas and storing it in high-pressure containers. Transportation could be achieved using specialized tanks or pipelines.

5.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

Physical fitness and health: Astronauts would need to be in excellent physical condition to cope with the physical demands of living and working on the Moon. Training programs could include a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises to help maintain overall fitness.
Survival skills: Living on the Moon would require a range of survival skills, such as the ability to build shelters, find and purify water, and grow food. Training programs could include survival skills such as wilderness first aid, shelter building, and basic farming techniques.
Lunar geology and science: Astronauts on a Moon mission would also need to be trained in lunar geology and scientific research methods. This could include training on how to collect and analyze samples of lunar rocks and soil, as well as training in laboratory techniques and data analysis.
EVA (extravehicular activity) training: EVA training is critical for astronauts who will be conducting research or maintenance activities outside of their lunar habitat. Training programs could include learning how to don and doff a spacesuit, using a spacewalk tether system, and operating equipment in a vacuum environment.
Communications and teamwork: Astronauts on a Moon mission will need to work closely together as a team, and will also need to communicate effectively with mission control back on Earth. Training programs could include team-building exercises and simulations, as well as training in effective communication techniques.
Spacecraft systems and maintenance: Astronauts on a Moon mission will also need to be trained in the operation and maintenance of the spacecraft systems that will get them to and from the Moon. Training programs could include learning how to operate life support systems, communications equipment, and propulsion systems, as well as performing routine maintenance and repairs.

5.2 – What space vehicles will your future Moon mission need? Describe the vehicles found in your Moon camp and consider how you will travel to and from Earth, and explore new destinations on the Moon’s surface.

Lunar lander: To transport astronauts and equipment from orbit to the surface of the Moon.
and exploration.
Lunar rover: To traverse the rugged terrain of the lunar surface. Lunar rovers could be used to transport astronauts and equipment to new locations on the Moon, as well as to collect samples and conduct scientific experiments.
Lunar ascent vehicle: To transport astronauts and equipment from the surface of the Moon back to orbit.
Lunar orbiter: To orbit the Moon and conduct scientific research from above the lunar surface.
Earth return vehicle: An Earth return vehicle is a spacecraft designed to transport astronauts and samples from the Moon back to Earth.
Cargo transport: A cargo transport vehicle would be needed to transport equipment, supplies, and materials to and from the Moon.
Industrial/building machines