
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: MoonWalkers

José Belchior Viegas  São Brás de Alportel    Portugal 17 to 18 years old

External viewer for 3d project

Project description


Describe your Moon Camp project.

Our moon camp will be mainly underground and it will consist on 3 different levels, each one with its own purpose.

The first floor, the surface level, will consist of a telescope, a solar panel field and the entrance building to the underground part of the moon camp.

The second floor will be focused on workstations, with a laboratory, an observatory/telescope room, a server room, energy storage room and a garage.

The third and further down flor will be an housing level with bedrooms, kitchen, greenhouse, gym, essential life systems and a nuclear reactor as a secondary/emergency source of energy.

The moon camp underground level will access the surface thought elevators with gates as a preventive measure to possible critical damage on the surface buildings.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Our moon camp will be  located in the plaskett crater, which is located at the lunar north pole and on the far side of the moon and has about 109 km of diameter with a peak in its center. We chose this location because this crater offers us permanent sunlight and constant and predictable temperatures, and also because the neighbor craters are in permanent obscurity which means that there is a high probability of existing glaciers on them of whom will supply water to the moon camp. Another advantage of this crater is the fact that its bottom is flat, making it easier to travel in it with rover and its central peak being constituted by minerals from deeper regions of its crust making it easier to mine more dense minerals and study its geology. Since the crater its located on the far side of the Moon the astronauts have the chance to observe parts of space in a way we never could on Earth.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

The excavation and the construction of our moon camp will be carried out by drones and 3d printers. The surface hull of the base will be 40cm thick and constituted by three layers one of 10cm of titanium in the outside, a 20 cm long layer of polyethylene in the middle in order to protect astronauts from solar radiation and little meteors. The walls and ceiling of the underground part of the moon camp will have half of the hulls thickness. The extracted soil will be used to produce oxygen (regolith) and the metal layers of the hull (titanium and iron) and to make the moon camp.


Besides mining water crystals, our moon camp will also have a urine processor (UPA) , and water extraction through the humidity of each room through WPA, which also filters and purifies water from all of the other processes, minimizing water loses.

In order to get food for our astronauts will use vertical farming with the hydroponics process. This way, a large amount of food can be produced in a small farming area, using 80-95% less water than traditional agriculture. Because it is a closed environment, the light will come from LEDs and the plants control will be easier and more effective. All remaining nutritional needs of crew will be satisfied thought food supplements that can be brought with the crew from Earth due their low weight and low space take in the rocketship, they can also be produced on the lab.

The base energy will have 2 sources. The main source of energy will be a field of solar panels mounted on the surface of the lunar bass with about 297m2. The secondary/emergency source will be a nuclear reactor. The excess energy produced for our base will also be stored in solid lithium batteries, due to its longevity, safety and greater energy density.

Obtaining oxygen will be carried out through two processes: The filtration of gases obtained through the extraction of regolith during the construction of the base and through the regulation of the levels of O2 inside the base, plants, inlets of the base with airlocks and air extraction of empty rooms. We will also use the OGS (Oxygen Generating System), a process used in the space station.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?


The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

In order to protect the crew from both radiation and meteorites, the base will be mostly underground, which makes our base less likely to be damaged by small meteorites, while also being protected from radiation. The exposed part of the base will be protected by a wall composed by an outer layer with 10 cm of titanium, a layer of 20 cm of polyethylenede and an inside layer of iron. This composition mitigates the damage caused by meteorites and protects the crew from the strong radiation to which they may be submitted to.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

When the day starts at the moon camp, our astronaut group will discuss about what to do on that day and the tasks that which one will take on. After this, the crew will eat, exercise and do their hygiene. Then, each astronaut will do the tasks assign to him, whom of which can be going to the laboratory or to the greenhouse, test and evaluate how materials and plants to this unknow environment to us and how the laws of physics work in it, or adventuring to the surface and explore or observe the cosmos that surrounds them with the telescope and maybe discovering new stars and planets, never seen before. The astronauts of the crew may have as many breaks as they want, since they are in going thought an enormous change, fatigue, moral and mental health management are essential to boost and maintain the crews productivity and integrity. At the end of the day the crew will work out again to prevent muscle and bone density loss and eat together, during the meal the crew will discuss and compare results and progress made on the day, after all is done the crew may have leisure time before the day ends, in order to keep the mental health of the crew balanced.

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