
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: The blackhole

IES Viera y Clavijo  La Laguna    Spain 17 to 18 years old

External viewer for 3d project

Project description


Describe your Moon Camp project.

Our Moon camp have all the facilities to ensure the survival of, at least, twelve astronauts.

In the lower part of the base, there will be a gym, a large storage area, four quarters with capacity for four people each one, a lab, a research zone and a infirmary. Moreover, there will be a kitchen and a common leisure zone that will allow the dwellers to enjoy their free time. 

In the upper part of the base, there will be an observatory; which is going to provide a good visibility since there is almost no light pollution in The Moon, the visibility of the telescope will be better than the ones in The Earth; there will also be a garage and a greenhouse for the hydroponic crops.

In the surrounding area we will place the power supply system, formed by a solar energy concentrator and solar and bio-solar panels. 

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

We decided to build our Moon camp near The South Pole since there are great amounts of ice and it is sunny all year, so it is a good place to install our solar panels, and obtain energy. Also, the presence of large quantities of water on The Moon would be an effective way to reduce costs of transporting water (or hydrogen and oxygen) from Earth. The ice can be mined not only to provide safe drinking water but also for the usage in the care of hydroponic crops. It could also be split into hydrogen and oxygen by our solar panel-equipped electric power stations, providing breathable oxygen and the components of rocket fuel. The hydrogen component of the ice could also be used to draw out the oxides in the lunar soil and harvest even more oxygen. 

Moreover, the analysis of lunar ice would also provide crucial scientific information about the history of the Moon.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

We will use light materials to make its transportation easier. We consider that build the main structure with lunar concrete is the most practical option that we have since it does not need water, is not porous and is very resilient. Furthermore, we will cover the base by using a magnesium, aluminum and titanium alloy, because it can resist great pressures and high temperatures. 

We plan to use a robot vehicle that once it reaches The Moon’s surface will inflate a kind of inflatable dome that will provide the basis to build the protective layer.


We plan to use the “Aquaer System”, which consist of a generator of drinking water through the condensation of water vapor. Nowadays, they make them to scale, producing 15 – 250 liters per day of drinking water.
The drinking water generator have a quite simple mechanism. This machine catches the water vapor on the atmosphere, and causes its condensation. The result is the water drops that falls at almost 30ºC and a relative humidity of 17 %. Thanks to its filters we can purify and collect the water.

The astronauts will have a mostly plant based diet, since the meat and other foodstuff are going to be transported from The Earth. Due to The Moon features, we will use hydroponic crops, that are able to absorb water and minerals from a lifeless medium. That substrate is going to speed up the plants growth. In fact, this kind of cultive not only give us nourishments, but also produces oxygen and control the carbon dioxide levels of our base. The plants will be in PVC pipes, that will have an irrigation system inside.

As explained before, we will use a solar energy generator, solar panels and bio-solar panels. Furthermore, we will use the resultant hydrogen obtained from the water electrolysis technique to produce energy, since it has a huge energy storage capacity and a quite low molecular weight. On the other hand, we will obtain energy by using a solar concentrator with molten sodium. This machine catches sunlight with a sunlight collector, due to this, the molten sodium is heated up by the sun rays. The heat present within the vapour, is a good source of electric energy in a vapour turbine. Also, we will add energy storages, from which we will obtain electricity even at night.

To produce oxygen in the base we will use “carbon dioxide batteries´´ and the ‘’ water electrolysis´´. This technique is used to split the water atoms using electric current thanks to the carbon dioxide battery. This battery will be connected to the water by two cables; a cathode and an anode. We will place two different cells for each gas;he one connected to the cathode will serve to obtain hydrogen, and the one connected to the anode, will contain the oxygen.
The aim of this process is to obtain breathable oxygen gas and the hydrogen gas that can be used to generate hydrogen fuel.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?


The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

While designing our Moon Camp, we have bore in mind different things with the goal of protecting the astronauts from the lunar environment. Owing to what we have said before, part of our base is underground, because this ensures that astronauts can protect themselves even more from the radiation. Moreover, we will build thick walls in order to block radiation, withstand the pressure and resist the impact of micrometeorites. The rooms will be pressurized to avoid any unforeseen thing that may be transported from outside. As we have explained before, by building our base underground we are going to avoid problems of radiation that on the surface would be very harmful.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

The astronauts will do different activities during the whole day. First of all, after waking up they are going to have an hour to have their breakfast and prepare themselves before start working. The tasks will be organized and will rotate every day. Some basic tasks will be:

  • Take care of the plants
  • Prepare the meals
  • Cleaning the installations
  • Do inventory control
  • Maintenance of the installations…

Of course, they will have time to do their researches and  to socialize.

Exercise will be a mandatory activity., every day they will have to do, at least, one hour of exercises in order to stay fit and prevent bone mass loss.

After the daily exercise session, there will be an obligatory meeting, in order to coordinate the assignment of tasks. At the end of each meeting, everybody will proceed to carry out the assigned tasks. There will be a break from these activities at lunchtime, where they will have an hour to have lunch and rest so they can continue with their workday.

This second part of the workday will be research oriented, as it is one of the main purposes of the astronauts. They will make tests and experiments with quite low gravity, such as: verifying how certain materials react at the gravity absence, analyzing how the gravity absence affects the human body or how long we can survive without it. Besides, they will be able to look out for new materials, such as minerals, investigate microorganisms and  its presence on the soil and the ice found at the poles. 

Since they are going to live at the Moon, they will have a great opportunity to carry out a quality astronomical research, owing to its extraordinary clean environment and its high vacuum degrees. Within the necessary activities, they will have to keep up contact with The Earth to report the condition of the base and the astronauts. As well as to inform about the failures,breakdowns, or any progress in the missions, among other things.

Finally, at the end of their workday, they will be able to enjoy their free time the way they like, without disturbing other people, until dinner time. After having dinner they can go to rest.

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