
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Midnight Moon

Escola Básica e Secundária da Povoação  Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal    Portugal 17 to 18 years old

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Project description


Describe your Moon Camp project.

É uma base projetada para 3 ou 4 astronautas. A ideia é estudar como o corpo humano se acostuma à ausência de gravidade por períodos de tempo cada vez maiores e formas de superar, estudar vírus e bactérias causadoras de determinadas doenças em ambientes estéreis e sob efeito de radiação extremamente energética. Também gostávamos, no campo da produção de alimentos, estudar a possibilidade de produzir novas culturas, mais resistentes a ambientes hostis, que possam ser reproduzidas em certos ambientes no planeta Terra. Com esta oportunidade, também estudaríamos amostras de solo lunar, para perceber a formação desta, como evoluiu até aos dias de hoje, quais as condições necessárias para o aparecimento de vida em ambientes extremos, bem como a formação de sistemas planetários. It is a base designed for 3 or 4 astronauts. The idea is to study how the human body gets used to weightlessness for longer and longer periods of time and ways to overcome, study viruses and bacteria that cause certain diseases in sterile environments and under the effect of extremely energetic radiation. We would also like, in the field of food production, to study the possibility of producing new crops, more resistant to hostile environments, which can be reproduced in certain environments on planet Earth. With this opportunity, we would also study samples of lunar soil, to understand its formation, how it evolved until today, what conditions are necessary for the appearance of life in extreme environments, as well as the formation of planetary systems.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles, more exactly in South Pole, because in South Pole is where Shackleton Crater can be found and here is possible to discovery lunar ice (water source) because of the low temperatures there. One more reason we choose this place is because it has permanently sunlight (except when an eclipse happens) and that will provide crucial energy for our lunar base. The water is crucial for the astronauts drink, take shower and do their housework and is also crucial for plants because they will need water to growth. The temperatures in lunar poles are not so high or low, compare to the other places of the moon, so astronauts can adapt. Finally, at the poles there would be no loss of communication with the earth because the occlusion of the moon, otherwise it would be too much trouble to send a satellite only for communication.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

If there is no camp initially, the ship will be our initial shelter. Then, we will mainly use the lunar soil to build our camp using 3D printing technology. As we will build our camp underground, we will need to use an excavator to dig the soil and the 3D printer will follow, so that we can dig and build at the same time.


We will use the water ice that exists in moon poles. We can collect it under the ground, so we can collect it when building the camp, then we will have to melt it and use it. At the same time, we have a water cycle system that can use urine to produce water to drink, it’s not 100% efficient but it’s going to be necessary to save the precious water. But, of course, we will need to bring some water to the moon at first.

Pretendemos ter uma estufa com plantas e vegetais. Da Terra gostaríamos de levar insectos (grilos e gafanhotos) e minhocas, para além de ovos já fertilizados que, caso resistam à viagem, os ovos e frango serão um óptimo extra à alimentação dos astronautas.
We intend to have a greenhouse with plants and vegetables. From Earth we would like to take insects (crickets and grasshoppers) and earthworms, as well as eggs that have already been fertilized and, if they resist the trip, eggs and chicken will be a great extra for the astronauts’ food.

We will use solar radiation to produce energy through photovoltaic panels; this energy obtained will serve to supply all the needs of the base. If there was already technology to have a nuclear power on the moon, we could use He-3 to produce the necessary energy, since this compound exists in a large amount.

O ar vai ser obtido pela fotossíntese das plantas da estufa e da eletrólise da água obtida pelo gelo lunar.
The air will be obtained by photosynthesis of greenhouse plants and by the electrolysis of water obtained by lunar ice.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?


The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

We decided to build part of our moon camp underground, more exactly the part that astronauts will use to live. On the ground to keep the construction safe, we will make a large circular cover with thick lunar soil covering on it and polyethylene for protect our house and also for the suits of the astronauts, it will be a layer of protection by the meteorites for example and for the astronauts a layer of protection for the harmful radiation. So this will make the on the ground part as safe as the underground one. To the entrance, we will use a vacuum port and two layers of air locks. To keep the astronauts more safe, we will build another air lock to ensure that the astronauts won’t be hurt when the house broken and the air of our camp is going to be preserved because of the vacuum port.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

O dia na base começa com exercício físico, seguido de higiene pessoal e pequeno-almoço. Toda a equipa é necessária para manter a base operacional. É necessário que alguém cuide da limpeza da base e alimentação da equipa. Há trabalho para fazer na estufa, semear se necessário para manter a produção e cuidar dos animais e plantas. Verificar se é necessário manutenção dos robôs, máquinas e transportes que se utilizam na base, para manter tudo em bom estado de funcionamento. Uma peça que funcione mal pode pôr em perigo toda a base. É necessário verificar a extracção de gelo lunar, o respectivo acondicionamento e tratamento de transformação para não faltar água na base e o funcionamento a 100% dos painéis fotovoltaicos pois sem energia eléctrica a base lunar não funciona e coloca em perigo de vida os astronautas pois dependem dela para manter da temperatura na base. Há também que fazer análises diárias aos astronautas para saber do seu estado de saúde, fertilidade e como o corpo resiste a longos períodos de ausência de gravidade e radiações. A investigação que é levada a cabo na base é uma das tarefas que mais tempo dispende: estudar as amostras de solo para perceber a evolução da lua desde a sua formação até aos dias de hoje e tentar extrapolar para o que se passa com outros sistemas planetários, tentar criar “vida” utilizando o ambiente e solo lunar para perceber o que permite levar à génese da vida, não tendo necessariamente que a vida seja baseada no carbono; estudar sementes mais resistentes a ambientes extremos de modo a podermos aplicar no planeta Terra, face às alterações climáticas que hoje em dia passamos e que cria ambientes hostis onde antes eram terras férteis; com as plantas e animais que se puder levar (ovos fecundados, vários tipos de plantas e vegetais e insectos) estudar o comportamento animal e vegetal na ausência da gravidade e radiação extrema. The day at the base starts with physical exercise, followed by personal hygiene and breakfast. The entire team is necessary to maintain the operational base. It is necessary that someone takes care of cleaning the base and feeding the team. There is work to be done in the greenhouse, sowing if necessary to maintain production and care for animals and plants. Check if it is necessary to maintain the robots, machines and transports that are used in the base, to keep everything in good working order. A malfunctioning part can endanger the entire base. It is necessary to check the extraction of lunar ice, its conditioning and transformation treatment so as not to lack water in the base and the 100% functioning of the photovoltaic panels because without electricity the lunar base does not work and puts the astronauts in danger because they depend on to keep the temperature at the base. It is also necessary to carry out daily analyzes to astronauts to find out about their health, fertility and how the body resists long periods of weightlessness and radiation. The research carried out at the base is one of the most time-consuming tasks: studying soil samples to understand the moon’s evolution from its formation to the present day and trying to extrapolate to what is happening with other planetary systems , try to create “life” using the environment and the lunar soil to understand what leads to the genesis of life, not necessarily having life as being based on carbon; to study seeds that are more resistant to extreme environments so that we can apply them on planet Earth, in the face of climate changes that we are experiencing today and that creates hostile environments where they were once fertile lands; with plants and animals that can be taken (fertilized eggs, various types of plants and vegetables and insects) to study animal and vegetable behavior in the absence of gravity and extreme radiation.

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