Galeria projektu Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Zainspiruj się tymi niesamowitymi siedliskami do eksploracji kosmosu przez ludzi, zaprojektowanymi przez zespoły studentów z całego świata.

Mars Project by Student technology

Colegio El Roble  Estado de México-Huixquilucan    Meksyk 13 lat, 14 lat   2 / 1 Angielski Mars

Opis projektu

The project is about a camp on Mars to take many types of animals, both male and female, to breed and provide a source of food and drink on Mars. The idea of setting up a camp on Mars and taking a variety of animals, both male and female, to breed and provide a source of food and drink on the red planet is a fascinating and challenging proposition. Imagine the scenario: a group of human explorers embarking on a bold mission to colonise and terraform Mars, bringing with them a variety of animal species to establish a self-sustaining ecosystem on the planet.

First, it is crucial to understand the technical and logistical challenges associated with an undertaking of this magnitude. Transporting live animals through deep space would require careful design of habitats and life support systems to ensure their survival during the journey. In addition, stringent measures would be needed to avoid biological contamination of Mars with terrestrial micro-organisms and to protect the fragile balance of the potential Martian ecosystem.

#Projekt 3D

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