Galeria do projeto Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Inspire-se com estes fantásticos habitats para a exploração espacial humana concebidos por equipas de estudantes de todo o mundo.

The Way Back Home Moon Camp 1HS by Year 1 HS

Escola Primária de Burbage  Buxton-Derbyshire    Reino Unido 6 anos de idade e mais novo   26 / 11 Inglês Lua

Descrição do projecto

We read the story ‘The Way Back Home’ and thought about all the things that the boy and the alien would need to help them live on the moon. We built shelters to live in, greenhouses for plants for food, solar panels for energy and built pipes to get water from the ice caps. We worked in small groups to make our models, it was so much fun!

#Artes e ofícios

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