Galeria do projeto Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Inspire-se com estes fantásticos habitats para a exploração espacial humana concebidos por equipas de estudantes de todo o mundo.

Stellar station by Collaborative genius

Colégio El Roble  Estado de México-Huixquilucan    México 14 years old, 13 years old, 15 years old   5 / 4 Inglês Marte

Descrição do projecto

Humans will be able to live peacefully with the basic needs offered by the apartments is a complex of two to three apartments of only one floor a recreation area shared kitchen and living room all areas are connected so that you do not have to go out into the unprotected space or make a show to just move between areas needed. For a living being to reach its basic needs and to experience if it is possible to grow living beings like plants on Mars.

#Desenho 3D

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