Galeria do projeto Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Inspire-se com estes fantásticos habitats para a exploração espacial humana concebidos por equipas de estudantes de todo o mundo.

Transportation System for Lunar Missions by Transportation System for Lunar Missions

Equipa Nacional de Ciências Espaciais. Saraya Smart School  Damasco-Damasco    Síria 18 anos de idade   3 / 2 Inglês Lua

Descrição do projecto

Designing the infrastructure for the moon is the primary necessity to start colonizing the moon. The human presence in a harsh environment will be difficult without providing the basic needs for their lives.
In previous missions to the moon, the astronauts faced huge difficulties in moving on the moon to do their missions.
For the construction of the lunar base, major tasks are extremely needed to be accomplished. The rovers are designed with advanced methods and equipment that help them navigate to identify the location, drill the surface, and move the materials and vital supports.
This report presents the vehicles used in the initial stage of terraforming the moon for life. These suggested vehicles are designed to do the missions automatically, and some of them are also designed to be used by astronauts in critical cases.

Ligação do projecto

#Desenho 3D

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