
Moon Camp @School 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


Moon Camp @School provides a platform for educators to share their classroom projects related to the exploration of the Moon and lunar design


All | 3D Design | 3D Printing | Arts | Astronauts | Astronomy | BiologyChemistry | Physics | Robotics | Science| Teamwork| Technology | Other


Campamento Lunar by Gema Reinaldo Reyes

Colegio La Purísima  Santa Fe-Granada    Spain 14 years old   1 / 1 Español

Project description


There are some houses at the end for the inhabitants to live, rest and take refuge from the cold / asteroids. Next door there is a hectare with solar panels to give light to the houses and the spaceship (rocket) which is the means of transport by which they have arrived, crops to feed themselves and a ship in which food, water and some more things, there are tools to fix the rocket, solar panels or houses and seeds to be able to cultivate.

The water is removed from the solar panels because it has a mechanism that serves both to produce light and to produce water because there is a substance in space that releases moisture and that moisture is transferred to water


Original Text:

Hay unas casa al final para que los habitantes vivan , descansen y se refugien  del frío / asteroides. Al lado hay una hectárea con placas solares para dar luz a las casas y a la nave espacial (cohete) que es el medio de transporte por el que han llegado  ,  cultivos para poder alimentarse y una nave en la cual se almacena la comida el agua y algunas cosas más , ahí herramientas para arreglar el cohete , placas solares o casas  y semillas para poder cultivar.

El agua se saca de las placas solares porque tiene un mecanismo que sirve tanto para producir luz como para producir agua porque hay una sustancia en el espacio que suelta humedad y esa humedad se transfiere a agua 

Project link

#3D Design

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