Projekt Moon Camp Galéria 2023-2024 

Inšpirujte sa týmito úžasnými habitatmi pre výskum vesmíru, ktoré navrhli tímy študentov z celého sveta.

Flying base on Europe by Europeteam

Montessori škola Wieliczka  Wieliczka-małopolska    Poľsko 10 rokov, 11 rokov   7 / 3 Angličtina Jupiterove mesiace

Popis projektu

Our base is located on Jupiter’s moon Europa. We recently visited our neighbors on the moon Io. We also had a laboratory that survived a sandstorm, but the damage was so extensive that it had to be shut down. So far we are studying wild creatures and bacteria. We also have various equipment to explore such as a rover or computer. To kill boredom we have various board games and card games, but boredom is unlikely to exist. We come from : ESA or european space agency. We also help our neighbors from Ios and we have an agreement that we give them water and they give us food. Our base is not too big it is rather modest. We have various decorative items such as : a small rocket of space photos and a big ESA sign.

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