Projekt Moon Camp Galéria 2023-2024 

Inšpirujte sa týmito úžasnými habitatmi pre výskum vesmíru, ktoré navrhli tímy študentov z celého sveta.

MoonCamp – Communication station by Pinewood4B – 4B

Pinewood American International School, Anatolia College  Solún - Solún    Grécko 9 rokov   2 / 2 Angličtina Mesiac

Popis projektu

The team’s goal was to build the communication station for an envisioned settlement on the Moon. They researched about the different construction elements of a space for the tranmission of laser rays to send information in specified formats that would be built underground in order to be able to communicate. After, they designed 3D arts and crafts model that they refined after peer-reflection, which presents all the elements neccessary for survival and safe working conditions.

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