Projekt Moon Camp Galéria 2023-2024 

Inšpirujte sa týmito úžasnými habitatmi pre výskum vesmíru, ktoré navrhli tímy študentov z celého sveta.

COHETE ESP”E”CIAL by Emma Guerrero Rubio

IES CARPE DIEM  CHINCHÓN-MADRID    Španielsko 16 rokov   1 / 1 Angličtina Mesiac

Externé prepojenie pre 3D návrh Tinkercad

Popis projektu

This 3D design of a rocket has a children’s theme since it represents all the dreams of childhood which if we fight for them can be easily fulfilled with perseverance, will and effort. In addition, the person who is seen inside the rocket is the one who wants to fulfill those dreams and to which he is going to reach thanks to the journey he is going to undertake in the rocket.


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