Projekt Moon Camp Galéria 2023-2024 

Inšpirujte sa týmito úžasnými habitatmi pre výskum vesmíru, ktoré navrhli tímy študentov z celého sveta.

Titan Colonization by Team Titan

West Island College  Calgary-Alberta    Kanada 14 rokov, 15 rokov   3 / 0 Angličtina Saturnove mesiace

Popis projektu

Ťažobná raketa:

Táto raketa je automatická raketa, ktorú ovládajú roboty na ťažbu surovín z blízkych asteroidov, ktoré nie sú na Titane k dispozícii.

Gravitačný generátor využívajúci dostredivú silu:

This building is our home base where the astronauts will spend most their time. This will work by the outer ring spins at a speed where the base will produce 1 G (earth’s gravity).

Oxygen/ Water storage:

This will be used for the storage of oxygen and water produced from the ice from the cryovolcano. With the ice, we will separate the hydrogen and oxygen from the ice so we will have oxygen and water.

Agriculture area: 

We will grow food such as corn as they don’t require much oxygen to harvest it and it will be grown hydroponically.

Cryovolcano mining site: This will be a site for mining the ice as the ice is a crucial part of our colonization.

Žiarenie: For electromagnetic radiation, we will have faraday cages around all components of the base. To counter solar radiation, we will create an artificial magnetic field by using electromagnets with high current going through

#3D dizajn

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