Projekt Moon Camp Galéria 2023-2024 

Inšpirujte sa týmito úžasnými habitatmi pre výskum vesmíru, ktoré navrhli tímy študentov z celého sveta.

Air and water filter by Planners

Medzinárodná škola Ambrit  Rím-Lazio    Taliansko 9 rokov   4 / 2 Angličtina Venuša

Popis projektu

This is a vital part of the space station that another group has created (the rockers team). The system takes sweat and urine and transforms it into fresh air and fresh water for the space station that will orbit Venus. The system was researched and built to replicate what is already in use on the ISS.

#Umenie a remeslá

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