Galerija projekta Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Navdihnite se s temi neverjetnimi habitati za človeško raziskovanje vesolja, ki so jih zasnovale ekipe študentov iz celega sveta.

The Way Back Home Moon Camp by Year 1 SG

Osnovna šola Burbage  Buxton-Derbyshire    Združeno kraljestvo 6 let in mlajši   26 / 14 Angleščina Luna

Opis projekta

We read the story ‘The Way Back Home’ and thought about all the things that the boy and the alien would need to help them live on the moon. We built shelters to live in, greenhouses for plants for food, solar panels for energy and built pipes to get water from ‘deep down in the ground’ and this would give us air too. Some designs had moon buggies to move around the moon.  We worked in small groups or individually to make our models.  The choice was ours.

#Umetnost in obrt

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