Galerija projekta Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Navdihnite se s temi neverjetnimi habitati za človeško raziskovanje vesolja, ki so jih zasnovale ekipe študentov iz celega sveta.

SPACE LABORATORY by Antigoni Makrialea2

9. nižja srednja šola Egaleo  Egaleo-ATTIKI    Grčija 15 let   1 / 1 Angleščina Mars

Opis projekta

SPACE LABORATORY To make a space laboratory,the first thing you need to do is to drag is to drag the polygon to your interface. and calculate the z values saw that the polygons the cylinder is attached to the end of the other cylinder and not the polygons this time . You repeat the same process one last time. Don’t forget to check for any possible mistakes by playtesting regularly.Lastly, you drag the pyramid block to your interface ,make the right changes to the values and place in a way that it is attached to the end of the last cylinder that you placed and you’ve just made a …… space laboratory.

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