Galerija projekta Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Navdihnite se s temi neverjetnimi habitati za človeško raziskovanje vesolja, ki so jih zasnovale ekipe študentov iz celega sveta.

Pinewoodians by Pinewoodians

Ameriška mednarodna šola Pinewood v Solunu  Solun-Solun    Grčija 14 let   6 / 3 Angleščina Luna

Opis projekta

Our team has developed a suite of advanced technologies tailored for a self-sufficient lunar settlement. This includes a robust water extraction drill and a rugged lunar rover equipped with solar panels for power, a greenhouse utilizing frozen water for plant irrigation, a state-of-the-art computer lab for communication and control, comfortable living quarters for astronauts, and a laser communication system ensuring uninterrupted contact with Earth. These innovations are poised to enable sustainable human habitation on the moon by providing essential resources, reliable infrastructure, and efficient communication.

Crafted with precision to cater to the unique needs of astronauts, our interior design boasts a variety of purpose-driven rooms. Among these are a cutting-edge gymnasium for maintaining physical fitness in zero-gravity environments, an immersive entertainment chamber, meticulously engineered lavatory facilities, a sophisticated galley equipped to accommodate diverse dietary requirements, tranquil sleeping quarters for restorative repose, and a communal lounge area fostering camaraderie and relaxation amidst the boundless expanse of space.

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