Galerija projekta Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Navdihnite se s temi neverjetnimi habitati za človeško raziskovanje vesolja, ki so jih zasnovale ekipe študentov iz celega sveta.

Project: Mánagarmr by Gmunden Space Agency

BG/BRG Gmunden  Gmunden-Oberösterreich    Avstrija 16 let   4 / 1 Angleščina Luna

Opis projekta

Projekt: Mánagarmr je projekt, katerega cilj je ustvariti samozadostno bazo na Luni.

Naša baza je lahko 100% samozadostna pri končni gradnji, saj je vse vire mogoče pridobiti na kraju samem ali pa so v sistemu cikla.

The base will be built under the surface of the earth’s moon and is located at the south pole, as there is sunshine at the edge of a crater almost 365 days a year, which we take advantage of with our photovoltaic systems. in addition, water ice can be mined in the craters or natural deuterium and tritium deposits can be exploited.

The construction is carried out using automated vehicles and several EVAs which can be carried out from an orbital station (LOP-G). The material and our self-developed modules are brought into LEO by the Sea Dragon rocket and flown to the moon using a dockable thruster system.

The modules were one of our main goals. We wanted to create modules which could be transported easily and don’t waste room. So we designed a module that could fold its outside walls inwards. The room that is left can be used for transporting parts of interior or connectors for the modules. Our base is currently designed for up to 70 permanent residents but could provide accommodation for just as many “tourists” in actual operation.

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#Umetnost in obrt #3D oblikovanje #3D tiskanje #Znanstveni poskusi

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