Galerija projekta Moon Camp 2023-2024 

Navdihnite se s temi neverjetnimi habitati za človeško raziskovanje vesolja, ki so jih zasnovale ekipe študentov iz celega sveta.

Solar System by Clarie Fang 方嘉萱

Mednarodna dvojezična šola Beanstalk v Pekingu  Peking-Chao Yang    Kitajska 7 let   1 / 0 Kitajski Druga lokacija

Opis projekta


Angleški prevod

I haven’t learned how to use TinkerCAD because I don’t know much about computers, but I usually read about the solar system and celestial bodies. After learning about ESA’s lunar exploration program, I used the abilities and materials within my ability to make a model of the solar system. As a record of participation in this year’s event

#Umetnost in obrt

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