
Moon Camp Pioneers Galerija 2019-2020

V igri Moon Camp Pioneers je naloga vsake ekipe, da s programom Fusion 360 3D-oblikuje celoten lunin tabor. Razložiti morajo tudi, kako bodo uporabljali lokalne vire, zaščitili astronavte pred nevarnostmi vesolja ter opisali bivalne in delovne prostore.

Ekipa: TraianSpace

Colegiul National Traian  Drobeta Turnu Severin    Romunija 17 do 18 let

Zunanji pregledovalnik za projekt 3d

Opis projekta


Opišite svoj projekt Moon Camp.

We want to study on the Moon: rocks, minerals, new chemicals, geology.

It will be a research station.

Kje želite zgraditi svoj Moon Camp?

Blizu Luninih polov.

The reason why we chose it, is that it is in a lot of sunlight and the water sources.

Kako nameravate zgraditi svoj Moon Camp? Opišite tehnike in materiale, ki jih boste uporabili.

We build the shelter mostly underground.

Underground because of sun’s radiation and the sand and meteorites from the moon.

Local Moon resources I will use:

Vodni led
Regolit (Lunina zemlja)
Sončna svetloba

Električna energija

The water source will come from ice.

The food source will be the garden.

As power source will be solar power from the top of the base.

From the garden.(at least a part of it)

Kako nameravate zgraditi svoj Moon Camp? Katere materiale boste uporabili?


Okolje na Luni je za astronavte zelo nevarno. Razložite, kako jih bo vaš tabor na Luni zaščitil.

Most of the station is underground

Opišite dan na Luni za svojo astronavtsko ekipo na taboru Moon Camp.

Take breakfast. Work in their sectors / fields. Some of them make outdoors for study / research.

Share their experience by high advanced communications infrastructure on the camp.

Free time is for relax, walks, sports (the camp is enough large: radius of aprox of 47 meters and height of 25 meters).

Sure, they can communicate with the base (that means  the Earth) anytime, anywhere from their locations.


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