Galleri för Moon Camp-projektet 2023-2024 

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Lunarians by King Industries

John A. Sutter Middle School  Winnetka-Kalifornien    Förenta staterna 14 år gammal   5 / 2 Engelska Månen

Beskrivning av projektet

King Industries will construct a camp on the Moon named Lunarians to prove that technology can allow everyone to live on the Moon comfortably. We call ourselves King Industries because we guarantee success. Our moon camp will house the first people to live on the Moon, to live on the Moon for as long as possible, with tourism financially supporting the project. We will demonstrate innovative technology that allows tourists to live on the Moon and provide tourists with the “astronaut experience”. This includes explaining how to live on the Moon, allowing the tourists buggy rides on the Moon going to the far side, and giving them activities to do on the Moon like playing extreme tag or playing the mini-golf course. The tours will include information about the location of where the astronauts live, how the astronauts get their food and water, the energy sources, the collection of oxygen, the protection of the astronauts, and the average day of an astronaut.


#Konst och hantverk #Övriga

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