月亮营项目画廊 2023-2024 


Moon Habitat by Cercetasii isteti

Scoala Gimnaziala 第 179 号  布加勒斯特-布加勒斯特    罗马尼亚 6岁及以下   24 / 12 英语 月亮


Our project is participating at Arts and Crafts section. Pupils created a Moon habitat using 3D geometrical shapes (cuboids and pyramids) created by themselves. They took into consideration that the Moon has a very thin atmosphere, so people can’t breath there. That’s way they proposed to build a pyramid` habitat. Also, they considered that people need to grow food, so they built greenhouses. For transport, they added rockets and rovers. Materials used are: paper, carton, wooden sticks, glue stick, scissors, aluminum foil and two polystyrene boards.

Children were very excited by this project. We hope we’ve done well. 🙂

