月亮营项目画廊 2023-2024 


Space Walk Enjoyer by Tea Cup Enjoyers

I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im.ONZ w Biłgoraju  比乌戈拉伊-沃耶沃兹沃-卢贝尔斯基    波兰 17岁   2 / 1 英语 火星

Tinkercad 3D设计的外部链接


Space Walk Enjoyer (SWE in short)  was made while keeping in mind that its gonna be used on the Mars. It got solar batteries as its source of power. There is a camera to report what our SWE encouters. Videos and photos from camera are sent back on the Earth thanks to the antenna on top of it. It got on extendet arm which helps it with moving around and collecting objects.

