Vedruna RIpoll 里波尔-赫罗纳 西班牙 10岁 6 / 4 加泰罗尼亚语 火星
. Hem fet un coet que va a la terra i torna amb un dipòsit d’aigua i amb oxigen. Així tenim subministraments
. Hem fet habitacions on hi ha quatre llits, dos arnesos cada un perquè no sortim volant ni ens fem mal, ni ens afoguem.
. Hi ha una dutxa i un lavabo per fer necessitats.
. Un tot terreny fet per i nosaltres per explorar.
We have created a refuge on Mars to live there for a few days or months, we have made it so that we could survive on alternate planets.
. We have made a rocket that goes to earth and returns with a tank of water and oxygen. So we have supplies
. We have made rooms where there are four beds, two harnesses each so we don’t fly out or get hurt or drown.
. There is a shower and a toilet for your needs.
. An off-roader made by and for us to explore.