

Are you a team from Belgium and want to participate in the Moon Camp challenge?

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Teams from Belgium

Team name School City Category

TN goes to the moon

Ten Nude


3D Design3D Design

STOGIOU, Eleni Flora

European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design

Melina Begkou

European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design

GKOUMAS, Romanos

European school 111


3D Design3D Design

Edgar Amarantos

European school 111


3D Design3D Design

Angelos Kat

European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design

Sabina costache

European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design

Alexander Weizenbach

European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


UGent Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien


3D Design3D Design


UGent Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien


3D Design3D Design


UGent Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien


3D Design3D Design

Jos en Manuel

UGent Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien


3D Design3D Design


UGent Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien


3D Design3D Design


UGent Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien


3D Design3D Design


UGent Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien


3D Design3D Design


UGent Volkssterrenwacht Armand Pien


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design

Anna Blinova

European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design

BUGHIN, Alexandre

European school 111




European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design


European school 111


3D Design3D Design

Thijs Belmans

Thijs Belmans


3D Design3D Design

Fien Dassen

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design

Wietse Goossens

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design

Balian Jans

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design

Gijs Liekens

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design




3D Design3D Design

Brent Verhulst

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design


European School 111


3D Design3D Design

Anna b

European School 111


3D Design3D Design

Rune Molenaers

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design

Vinz Jorg Anton Buijs

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design

Renke Alen

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design




3D Design3D Design

Eliane Herkul

GO! atheneum Geel


3D Printing3D Printing

Noah Gabriëls

GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design


GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design


GO! Geel


3D Design3D Design

Team amar de pro

Atheneum Gogeel!


3D Design3D Design

Les explorateurs de la planète Mars

Ecole d’enseignement spécialisé Les Co’Kain


3D Design3D Design

Emma Nowak

Go! Geel


3D Design3D Design

Clara’s moonbase



3D Design3D Design

Lunam caelum


9000 Gent

Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts3D Design3D Design




3D Design3D Design

Team SUI 1



3D Design3D Design

Team SUI 2



3D Design3D Design

Team SUI 3



3D Design3D Design

Team SUI 4



3D Design3D Design

Team SUI 5



3D Design3D Design

Team SUI 6



3D Design3D Design

Team SUI 7



3D Design3D Design

[leaflet-map fitbounds !detect-retina show_scale zoomcontrol scrollwheel=1 spiderfyOnMaxZoom=1][leaflet-marker address=”Brussel,Belgium”]Tinkercad
We maken online een raket 🙂

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]patolette spaceship
The design is like that because I want it to go as fast as it can and also it will find a new planet. the colors of the spaceship will match the planet so the aliens wont see it.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Magnificent Juttuli-Bojo
My project is about a spaceship in other planets around the earth and the world . This might save the earth and the world from an asteroid dropping near the earth .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]satelite
My project is about a satelite orbiting around a new planet discovered in our galaxy. It is a planet made out of water with two moons. The satelite is observing and gathering information about the planet looking for signs of life. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Panos
My project is an android which drills in rocks and tries to find if the planet is habitable

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Spaceship
My project is a special spaceship that NASA sent to explore planet Saturn and to find if there is any kind of living creatures on it. It discovered that there are little creatures living on the planet. Next it will go to Uranus to. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]spaceship3
Its a spaceship landing on a new planet wich looks like the moon.On this planet scientists found life. This spaceship is there to explore the area so they can find the creatures that are hiding there and some informations about. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Alex
My project is a space ship that prevents all the enemy aliens from destroying the moon.
[3/11 10:54 AM] FERMANTZIS Alexandros  (IXL-S2ELC)
The base behind the space ship is a place that has oxygen and with the radar, the people. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]SPACESHIP Fio
This is my spaceship it was made 2000 years ago in secret to be able to go to the future.It was made by the most smart people in the world, and in seconds the could travel the world

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Rt23543
My spacecraft may look small but it is not. It has two solar panel, three engines, two deadly weapons and some shields for protection. Moreover it has a scanner to scan objects around it. It can also stand up to 300 degrees and. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]SPACE BASE
My project is about a space station on the moon that humans can work and live in it. There is also a space car so they can travel on the moon.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Brave Wolt-Fyyran
A rocket launching station with a moon and aliens

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Brilliant Stantia-Kieran
it is a moon with a rocket as a hat

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Moon camp rocks
The camp has an entrance, a swimming pool, a bedroom, a kitchen, a room with trees and an other were you can watch TV.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Space Ship
My Tinkercad space ship on the moon has a kind of bed room an office a discovery room and a cage to store stuff

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]My dream space ship
The special thing about my spaceship is that , I placed the planets above it , and its in the middle of trees so that means that it is inside a forest .More over the spaceship looks like its moving upwards .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Rover
This is a standard looking rover, but it can produce power in multiple ways like solar and wind even with the wheels because if they go down a hill it will generate power just like a bike powering its lamp, and during a storm the. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Funky Fyyran
In my project, I have 5 moon bases, that get their energy out of solar panels and fuel cells. And when the sun doesn’t shine, they use moondust. They get water by melting the ice on the poles of the moon (powered by solar panels,. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gent,Belgium”]Maanbasis Sam
Deze maanbasis bevindt zich onder de grond.
Elke grijze balk is een belangrijke ruimte.
Er is een fitnessruimte, een computerruimte, een laboratorium, een opslagruimte, een ruimte waar afval verwerkt wordt, een plaats om te eten. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gent,Belgium”]Maanbasis Alexander
Het platform met de rode bollen is de plek waar de raketten kunnen landen. De rode bollen zijn communicatieantennes om signalen op te vangen en signalen te versturen.
De maanbasis bevindt zich deels boven en onder de maangrond.. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gent,Belgium”]Maanbasis Hasse
Hier zie je de bovengrondse plantage.
Een astronaut is bezig met het verzorgen van de planten.
Je kan naar binnen via de tunnel. Die zorgt ervoor dat de luchtdruk en de zuurstof onder de glazen koepel ideaal blijft.
Het. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gent,Belgium”]Maanbasis Jos en Manuel
Hier zie je het de rugzak van een astronaut.
Er zit een smartphone in om te kunnen bellen en sturen naar familie op aarde.
Er zit een drinkfles in met water, maar ook een melkkarton en koffiebeker. Het heel belangrijk dat een. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gent,Belgium”]Maanbasis Mozes
Het groene deel van de maanbasis is boven de grond.
Hier kunnen de astronauten hun pakken op een veilige manier aan en af doen. Daar is ook de maanrover geparkeerd om het maanlandschap te berijden.
De oranje delen zijn allemaal. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gent,Belgium”]Maanbasis Klara
De Maanbasis bestaat uit een roze koepel die het zonlicht net voldoende moet binnenlaten om planten te laten groeien, maar niet te veel zodat ze ook niet kunnen verbranden.
De basis is op de maan geplaatst, de bruingele balk is de. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gent,Belgium”]Maanbasis Gust
Deze maanbasis zit onder een de grond in een lavatunnel. De opblaasbare Pod wordt in de tunnel gerold. Daar blaast de pod zich op met de uitlaatgassen van de raket. De pod neemt het water van rondom op om zo de astronauten en. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gent,Belgium”]Maanbasis Reinhard
De gele piramidevormige tent stelt de serre voor. Deze ‘tent’ is opgeblazen en heeft een luchtlaag als een waterlaag in de wanden. Dit is om gevaarlijke straling vanbuiten af af te weren. De lucht dient als ‘springkussen’ die de. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Copy of Nasa Rocket ship
The light blue domes are a living space for the astronauts that are staying there. The dark blue dome is the laboratory where they can inspect different substances on the moon. There is also a place where the Rocket can land and. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Cool Wolt-Borwo
I did the solar system (the Sun, Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune) and a rocket. The rocket is heading back to earth. I also did some stars.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Camp on Moon
My project has fastest wheels. It has satellite on top to receive information from earth. It is spacious and fastest.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Glorious Blorr-Albar Myr
My space ship lads on galaxy. It is more colorful one.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Frantic Elzing Niki
Moon with yellow stars and a spaceship

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Moon war
A war broke out between the necrons and the meow-tankcat they all deploy on the moon of the planet earth, the necrons has brung a giant fish monster while the meow-tankcat only brought infantry with not big tankcat. Who will win?

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Dazzling Gaaris
My projects has protective boundaries.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Tremendous Fulffy-Migelo
My project is a mountainous spacecamp with a rocket a spacerobot some fuel storages a storing hall and a little moon with another robot on it.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Dazzling Jofo-Jarv
This is a 3d moon camp. It has a rocket to go back to the earth, a pad for rockets to land on, and some tents. This camp was made to examine the moon more.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]mijn maanbasis
at my moon base there are basketball courts, UFOs and a moon rover
and a lab.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]mijn moonbase
We made a moonbase with class FUN and it meets these things .
4 tunnels
the house is hollow
a moon garden
a place to eat
water storage
a protective ring

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]W/moonbase/ietse
My moonbase is protected from aliens and astroids. It has a computerlab, it can comunicate with the earth, it has a place to sleep, chill, and do expirements.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”geel,Belgium”]the esker
here is my moon base with lab, gym, cafeteria and water

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]#Moon #Base $$$
My moon base has two sleeping quarters,
a lab with computer room, a gym, a water storage, a dining area and a garden.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Moonbase
it has a lab a gym (outside) a place to sleep a garden a dining room

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]moonbase Brent
This moonbase contains: a dining area, a lab, a sleeping area and a communication area.
It also has protection for meteorites.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Terrific sat
My project is full of robots and satellites.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Brussels,Belgium”]Anna the best
It is special because it has fast moving wheels. Camara to capture pictures.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Rune base
My moon base consists of four units and one part is built on the lunar surface. There is a small moon garden for food. There is a fold-out protection against meteorites. The houses are hollow, there are 4 tunnels, 2 solar panels.. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Vinz’s Base
In my moon base there is a gym there is a bedroom a garden and more

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Moonbase by Renke
My moonbase consists of four units, place to sleep, place to eat, gym,laboratory,….
There is also a zoo.
There are even 2 solar panels to think of the climate!

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Laurens’ moonbase
Living Space: This includes modules for habitation, with sleeping quarters, recreation rooms and facilities for daily activities.
Research Laboratory: A fully equipped laboratory for scientific research and analysis of lunar. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Moonbase
My lunar base consists of at least 4 units. There is a laboratory, a moon garden, a bedroom, a computer room, a gym and a dining room. There is a water storage and also two solar panels for renewable energy. There are also 2 small. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Noah’s epic Moon Camp
My project has everything a Mooncamp needs. A place to eat, sleep and sport.There’s plenty of water. There’s a garden with delicious pumpkins. And even a little robot!

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”geel,Belgium”]VE Moonbase
In my moonbase I made a comfortable place to live and a fuctional work space.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Moon camp Xander
This moonbase has a place to sleep,a labaratory,a place to eat,a gym,
a computeroom,a lunarover,a lunarlander,a protective ring on the outside of the house on the ground,2 solar panels,Water storage,a fold-out protecton against. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Moon Camp Project
Its very good to see it

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Kain,Belgium”]Base spatiale sur Mars
Base spatiale sur Mars avec rover, zone de lancement, serres et réserve d’eau, chambre, salle de sport, toilettes, cuisine, salle de bain.
Protection de toutes les zones par des parois anti UV, panneaux solaires pour récupérer. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Moonbase
I created a moon base with Fun that had to meet a number of conditions.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Olen,Belgium”]Clara’s moonbase
We made a moon base in FUN class
In my moon base, the astronauts can sleep,eat and also exercise to keep muscles fit. They can also communicate with Earth through our computer room. There is also a moon garden.
And the astronauts. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”9000 Gent,Belgium”]Moon Heaven
Moon Heaven
Onze maanbasis bevindt zich in de Von Kármán krater, in de buurt van de zuidpool. Hierdoor zijn de kosmische straling, extreme temperatuurschommelingen minder sterk dan op het oppervlak. We gaan onderzoek doen naar. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Geel,Belgium”]Moon-Camper EXTREME
We had a project at school to make a moon camp so I made a moon camp.
My teacher was impressed and said I should send it in.
I really want to go in the path of space careers, so I hope you can consider my moon camp to be one of. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver,Belgium”]Moon Base
In our school, we started a class for
gifted children who are interested in extra challenges during the schoolyear. When we told the children about this project, they were very excited to participate. In groups of two they. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver,Belgium”]Maanbasis SUI
In our school, we started a class for
gifted children who are interested in extra challenges during the schoolyear. When we told the children about this project, they were very excited to participate. In groups of two they. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver,Belgium”]Moonland
In our school, we started a class for
gifted children who are interested in extra challenges during the schoolyear. When we told the children about this project, they were very excited to participate. In groups of two they. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver,Belgium”]Shiny Trug-Leelo
In our school, we started a class for
gifted children who are interested in extra challenges during the schoolyear. When we told the children about this project, they were very excited to participate. In groups of two they. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver,Belgium”]Ingenious Hegandria
In our school, we started a class for
gifted children who are interested in extra challenges during the schoolyear. When we told the children about this project, they were very excited to participate. In groups of two they. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver,Belgium”]Mooncamp from Lucas and Matteo
In our school, we started a class for
gifted children who are interested in extra challenges during the schoolyear. When we told the children about this project, they were very excited to participate. In groups of two they. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Waver,Belgium”]Mighty Snicket
In our school, we started a class for
gifted children who are interested in extra challenges during the schoolyear. When we told the children about this project, they were very excited to participate. In groups of two they. . .

[/leaflet-marker][zoomhomemap !fit] [cluster radius=”10″ zoom=”12″ spiderfy=1]

TN goes to the moon
patolette spaceship
STOGIOU, Eleni Flora
Magnificent Juttuli-Bojo

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Resources in Dutch

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  • Primary (6)
  • Moon Animations (20)
  • Classroom Resources (6)

    Resources in French

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    • Secondary (6)
    • Primary (13)
    • Moon Animations (20)
    • Classroom Resources (19)