
Moon Camp Discovery 2020-2021 Project Gallery

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ALCALÁ DE GUADAIRA-SEVILLA    Spain Category: Rocket
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Hi, I´m Lucas, from 3º ESO G in the high school “IES Cristobal de Monroy”.

First, i want to say thanks to the program “MOON CAMP DISCOVERY” for the opportunity they give to me to use the program for this project.

This project that i´m doing in the high school is about the development of an element to reach the moon for the European Space Agency, i decided to make a prototype of rocket divided by different segments ( the biggest part of the rocket is for reach the moon and the smallest part is the one that is going to land on the moon, and then, go back to the earth ), the only part of the rocket that is going to go back to the earth impulsed by the others modules of the rocket is the smallest part on the top of it ( the module of the rocket where the passengers are ).

That´s all of the description of my project, bye !

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