

Project submissions to the Moon Camp Challenge will be accepted from 21 September 2023 to 28 April 2024.

Consult your country page for information about national opportunities, such as teacher trainings or other specific events.  

Challenge Launch
21 September 2023
Registration opens on the 21/09/2023
Learn more about the Moon by completing the Moon Camp challenge activities
Develop your Moon Camp project
Submit your project on the platform

Teacher / educator preparation:
Create a plan of action for your team
Participate in the teacher training modules (dates to be announced)
Deadline for submissions
28 April 2024

Website closes for submissions on the 28/04/2024 (23:59 CEST)

Make sure you submit your projects before the deadline!

May 2024
Certificates of participation will be sent to the students and mentors
All valid projects will be uploaded to the Moon Camp gallery
Final online event
June/July 2024

Virtual event with an ESA astronaut, open to all the participants that submitted a valid project


For any questions, consult the FAQ section or send an email to