
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

All | Lunar lander | Moon Base | Lunar rover | Rocket | Lunar Orbital Space Station | Space Suit

Team: The Erikssons

Category: Rocket | Stockholm |  Sweden |  2 |  11 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Our spaceship is made for going to the moon 4x faster than before, it can also hold up to 1000 tonnes. The speed difference is from 102 hours and 45 minutes to – 25 hours and 30 minutes, which pretty much equals one whole day (24h). The rocket ship is made to be sent away in the day when it’s summer so the sun gives energy and electricity to the machines inside. The machines are a need because they keep the food in good condition so it is eatable. And they keep the water fresh and good. The sun energy also keeps and gives warmth inside the rocket. What’s really good is that the rocket ship is driven by solar energy so it’s very environment friendly. Our rocket ship can fit 15 people and many machines. The risk of the rocket ship failing to get to the moon is 10% = that it’s very unlikely. Those 15 people can live inside the rocket ship for 2.5 weeks if failure. The warmth inside the ship is 68℉, which means it is not that cold. We have a charging station where people can go inside and you can transfer food and water into it. It can also charge up energy and prepare for launch. 

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