
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: MRTech COL 03

Category: Moon base | Pereira |  Colombia |  1 |  15 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Subway housing: this consists of 3 floors down, in the first one we can find the chamber where we can rest, this transmits or gives us the oxygen to be there. On the second floor we can find the work table and something similar to a cupboard where we can keep the food so that it does not get damaged. On the top floor we can find the bathroom adapted for the moon and a shower that is also adapted, we have a fountain to be able to use cold water and hot water. In the upper part there are two tanks, one for oxygen and the other one for water. Work camp: In this camp we can adapt it and use it in several ways that we want at the moment mainly we could make a crop of something or use it to be able to work and elaborate more things that we need there.
Solar energy panels: These panels will provide us with most of the energy we need to use throughout our lunar camp and to distribute it all over the place.

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