
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: MRTech COL 06

Category: Moon base | Cucuta |  Colombia |  1 |  10 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Its function is for the astronaut to survive on the moon or other planets. It has an area to store plants to generate oxygen inside the house, you can also make the feces, vomit and urine in specific bathrooms has 4 floors and there is a bed made specifically to sleep, also has a system to investigate objects that can be found on the moon. We have an automated greenhouse whose function is to grow food to survive on the moon. The rovers have wheels and specialize in moving around. They land on the surface of Mars and drive around the various points. rovers help scientists in their quest to understand what different parts of the planet are made of.

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