
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Oh No We Tried

Category: Moon base | Riyadh |  Saudi Arabia |  2 |  13 years old, 14 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Our Moon base is centered off of 3 elements, light, water and oxygen. This is because in order for astronauts to take steps to the Moon’s South Pole, the site is near continuous sunlight to power the base and moderate extreme temperature swings. The rooms are on the ground to enable human activity. We used elevation as a key role in letting in longer periods of light. There are reservoirs of frozen water in the craters which can’t be extracted, but the urine from the bathroom is filtered and reused as drinking water, while the unfiltered liquid is sent to the plants to use as fertilizer. The plants in the greenhouse turn the carbon dioxide in the air into valuable oxygen, which helps control cabin humidity. The landing area is a kilometer away from the base, so that the spacecraft doesn’t spray debris on equipment when landing. Solar Panels power the rooms and provide them with heat and light. 

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